Remembering 2008…

by Kristi on December 31, 2008 · 2 comments

One of the best things about my site is that I get to look back in time, see what I said (and giggle), see if I followed my words, etc. etc…

Well.  I was smart last year and didn’t make to many crazy resolutions. 🙂

1) I’ve been cooking! ALL YEAR! It’s pretty much the exact same dinners over and over again but J and I are pretty boring.  So we are ok with it. I think J is just amazed that any cooking gets done at all. He actually cooks the pasta but we do cook at least 3 times a week!

2) The cleaning didn’t work so well. I still have my piles. We still have cat and dog hair. And another child to just make things more confusing. But I don’t think it got much worse. So that is something.

3) We got rid of the bottles for Sam. And G doesn’t even take a bottle right now. New goal: no bottles for G. Just sippies! haha! We shall see…

A look back on what happened in 2008:


I made a Recipe category for yummy dinner ideas! I still get a lots of people asking me about Chicken & Stuffing (YUM!) and my Mom’s Chicken & Rice. Both tasty, tasty!

We started moving Sam into her ‘Big Girl’ room with polka dots. She LOVED it as you can see from the video.


Wow, we were thinking about potty training then? Um, still are… Haven’t gotten very far!

It’s nice to know that almost a year ago we were STILL having problems with Sam’s eating habits, too. I need to go back to this advice. Pronto. She doesn’t wake up at night but she is not eating at meals and snacking at other times. 🙁  Jeez, what have we been DOING all year?

Oh, that’s right. Getting ready to have our sweet Baby G! 35 weeks and ready to go!


We moved Sam to her new room and freaked out about it the whole time!

Beautiful Easter recap with Sam’s first time eating jelly beans, smiling with the Easter bunny, and I’m at 39 weeks!

My Due Date came with J being sick sick sick… and then I was overdue. And I thought I was in labor. But I wasn’t. And I was still late (4+ days). Then I went to Chuck E Cheese, which helped things along!

And Griffin Scott arrived!


Enjoying our little Griffin and Sammie is loving being a big sister.

My birthday… 28 years old this year!

But I’m having problems keeping it together. Yep, still am. 🙂 Well, I am more used to it now but then, I read back my words and just giggle. Backing into a car, horrible diaper changes (me and Krysta, actually), and just sobbing… and sobbing.. and then ice cream, so I guess it worked out!


I finally wrote down Griffin’s birth story. 🙂 It’s long. I think back at both his and Sam’s birth’s… what a miracle!

Sam drives me batty by repeating herself over and over and over again… She still does this. Now, it is asking me “What you SAID?” over and over again. ARGH!

I do a quick tutorial on Twitter and encourage everyone to join! It’s GREAT! I ‘tweet’ more than I blog right now (I want to change that) but it’s a great ‘in real time’ way to keep in touch. If you haven’t joined yet, join now and ‘friend’ me!


G’s two month stats came in… little oink’er!

We went to Legoland for the first time, it was awesome!


I finally get a good looooong blog post in about general matters! Talking about Sam’s speech (which is actually fabulous now, 5 months later!)

Had a fantastic 4th of July (you must look at that link, if only to look at their photos… such a great one!)

This made me laugh, Sam finally saying her name. Now, of course, I call her a silly goose and she says, “No, I’m Samantha Leigh Davis! I’m not a silly goose!”. They seriously grow so fast!

Griffin’s 4 month stats… and my weight loss record! Woohoo!


I continue with my sleep battles with Griffin. Honestly, it doesn’t seem so bad now, I mean… at some point it gets better. Even if it takes until he is 16!

I love this post as it has fun paddle board pictures! As well as random musings about sleep, talking, and nothing at all. 🙂


G turns 5 months and we start him on baby food.  He took awhile to get it but is now eating tons.

I continue to worry about Sam’s speech and finally do something about it by sending in a form to get evaluated.

Little G gets his first taste of being tormented by his big Sis! hehehe

6 months for G already? Time flies…


Sam rocked her speech evaluation and proved that she desperately needs to go to school. She loves sitting down and learning!

Cutest picture taken with G smiling (as usual) and SAM smiling for the camera which was unheard of.

Halloween was awesome with Sam deciding on Cinderella and G being one of the mice in the movie. They both looked adorable and had a great time.


Are you READY to VOTE!? What an exciting year this was for elections. I highlighted all the free things you could get by voting, demanded proof from friends and family that you did not laze about, and celebrated Obama’s win. That night was so amazing, I felt that the whole country was celebrating with me. I still get shivers thinking of it.

We had a huge scare with the Yorba Linda Fire forcing us to run from our house in a panic and we thought our house had burned down.  Thankfully our house was ok but many were not in this terrible fire.

We had so much to be Thankful for!


I upgraded my blog and moved it from Blogspot to my own WordPress domain! It is still a work in progress but I’m having a lot of fun slowly working on it.

I got quite a bit of my shopping done early, woohoo! We had a fun visit from Santa as well.

Christmas just gets better and better with children to share it with. I can’t wait for next year, already!

Our Big Bear trip was halted by quite a few entertaining mishaps but we finally made it up there to relax after a wonderful year.

What a wonderful year we have all had.  G is such a little miracle for us and Sam is so amazing to watch her learn and grow each day, it is wonderful. Spending time with the hubby with these kids is fabulous, I feel so lucky. I am currently getting ready for a fantastic 2009 and moving forward to spend some quality time with friends and family.

I was going to post some light resolutions for next year but I think I will do that in another post.

Happy New Year everyone!


1 kim/hormone-colored days January 1, 2009 at 8:08 am

What a great year you had! And what a wonderful record you have for your family here on this blog. I wish blogging had been around (at least for nontechies) ten years ago!

I’m tweeting a lot, too and want to get back to blogging more, too.

Also, I didn’t realize you are so young!

kim/hormone-colored days’s last blog post..Naked for Chanukah

2 Kristi January 1, 2009 at 9:18 am

Young! LOL – Not getting any younger… heehee

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