Easter Photos

by Kristi on March 26, 2008

Here are some Easter photos from my Mom and mine are uploaded (update) so here they are!

Happy Due Date to me… In two hours anyway. I can’t sleeeep, it’s so terrible. I wake every hour and can’t take a nap either. I just want three hours of sleep and it’s just not going in that direction. Boohoo.

Still hoping for Friday! Started to loose my ‘plug’ on Sunday and Monday. Just little bits. I lost it at 36 weeks with Sam and was still one/two days late with her anyway so I wasn’t that impressed. Contractions every day… but I think I get dehydrated. Have some awful ‘kicks’ and head butts against my cervix tonight, ouch, but I’ve had those before so… eh. I think it’s just one of those things were I think of myself as a ticking time bomb… but not a bomb cause those usually have specific time limits, don’t they? More like a land mine. Yep. But it’s ticking. Waiting for something… Maybe a big kick.

So I’m getting more ready. Nice to know, huh? Although I did write out Sam instructions (I realized that her bag I need to pack is waaaaay bigger than mine – sucky), pack some food in baggies for the pantry and freezer so it will be ready to go. I actually put CLOTHES in my hospital bag. Griffin’s (I actually typed ‘the baby’s’) bag is packed, I realize you don’t really NEED a diaper bag for the hospital but what if we are on our way home, get a flat tire, and I need to change his diaper cause we are stuck somewhere for an hour!? See, I think ahead here, people.

So I think I just need toiletries and stuff in my bag and I use those every day. Plus some slippers.

I also downloaded the newest iPhone update which has been out for a month or two so I can text MULTIPLE people at once. 🙂 So handy, that update. I will have to try it out tomorrow. Plus we got the new Counting Crows CD (yea!) so I uploaded that into iTunes so I could listen. I need to upload all of Justin’s good CDs like U2, Dave, and a few other awesome ones to listen too. I’m kinda late on that… Plus synching into iTunes is SUCH a pain because I have a USB port but the iPhone connector doesn’t work on it, I have to plug it into the main computer and that means disabling my keyboard so my mouse only works… sheesh. Anyway.

The car seat… Eh. The car seat. I washed the cover after Justin figured out how to take it off (I never did that I think). I haven’t put it back on yet and Justin will be the one to put it in the car so I’m not gonna worry about that. Someone will do it. Not me. So, not my problem?

He’s still sooo sick though. I’m just giggling tonight cause he brought his two seater home (Sam begs to see the ‘black car!’ all the time) and he took a Sudafed PM. I was like, do you WANT to jinx this tonight? Sheesh! I thought it was funny he was asking if they would keep him away from Griffin if he was sick. Um, I hope he would keep HIMSELF away from Griffin if he is sick!? Don’t breathe your germs on a new baby, boo! Is that mean? LOL – Although, I reminded him that he’s halfway through his illness so he’s probably not congatious. I’m slightly getting worse (I’m not that bad though – knock on wood) and Sam is ok (knock on wood again). Ho hum. We all can’t breathe on him.

The thing about his two seater is that I want Sam to go in his regular car to Grandma’s house. That way if the Grandma’s switch off at some point (which I would assume they might), the car will go with Sam so they don’t have to figure out how to move the car seat. Cause I don’t think that would work very well. And I’m sure they don’t want to switch their cars with each other, LOL.

I really wish I could sleep though. It’s 1030 and you would THINK I would be so tired I would just fall asleep but for the past four nights, nope! Oh well. As J reminded me, I have another year of it! Hopefully less, sheesh. I’m being a much meaner Mommy on sleep issues for this poor second child! No eating during the night (after a safe time, of course).

On a happier note with sleep issues, we are on night 18 of sleeping through the night. It’s been 18 nights since she was sick too, so that works! 25 nights since she has been in her new bed. The best part, 39 (!!) nights since we’ve given her milk or actual food in the middle of the night! (There was this one time when she was sick where we offered some raisons but she didn’t really eat them so I’m just not going to count that night.) Awesome!

Going to try and sleep…

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