Saturday Musings

by Kristi on August 10, 2008 · 2 comments

– I’m terrible at titles. That is all.

– I’ve gotten G to giggle a little here or there. Very FEW giggles. But today. Oh today. We have this pink butterfly from Sam’s era that he will grab and attack and eat when he is in his exersaucer. That is where pink butterfly lives. But he was lying on the playmat and I was sitting next to him, absentmindedly watching the Olympics (swimming!), and kept picking up toys to wave in his face that he would grab, etc. etc. I leaned over and grabbed butterfly… and holy crap! Giggles galore! It has bells on it and I would fake him out, like he was going to come eat his face… but not, and he would laugh… then butterfly would come SWOOPING down and attack his face… RAWR! And he would giggle like crazy. Yes, we did this for about 10 minutes. He was shrieking at pink butterfly. It was awesome. So awesome that Sam, playing in her room for ‘quiet time’ (read: no nap) heard him shriek and shrieked herself… BABY G!! BABY G!! haha – Yes, we went and got her a few minutes later and gave up on quiet time. We repeated pink butterfly for J awhile later and it still worked. Pink butterfly rocks. I have a giggle baby! YES!!! (Remember, Sam was never a giggle baby, this is a first for us!)

– We did CIO for going down to bed, did I talk about that? I think I did. Then last night he fell asleep as he drank his whole bottle so that was nice. Then tonight he did not. So I just held him for awhile and tried the binky. Didn’t really work, he always pulls it out, he moves so much. Then he was sucking on his fingers so I just hummed a bit and put him down. I turned on his fan as I left (he loves ceiling fans) and walked out. He cried for a minute and then stopped.

Can I just say I am SO GLAD we did this NOW and did not wait until 10 or 11 months as we did with Sam? Holy cow it makes me so happy. Hopefully it continues. 🙂 Last night he slept until 330 and then 645!! YES!! Love that!

– Sam has new words and sentences every single day. We are starting to CRACK UP over the things she says, and how she says them. Things said in little kid voices are so funny. 90% of the time, she is whining though, lately, and OH MY GAWD, I can’t stand the whining. We are heading into the pissed off stage of the 2nd child, I think. She just wants super attention and it’s hard to give it. Especially hard since J was gone for three days so today she was a little better. Anyway…

Gives Sam a new sippy cup since she’s chewed through her old ones (so sad). It has a cap on it that she can lift off, etc.
“Mama, it’s not working! Not working, Mama!” (Remove the cap, honey!”)
“Oh, it’s working now, Mama”

Crash (the dog) sitting on the stairs when she is trying to go down them
“Mama, he’s not working!” (I tell him to move, LOL)
“Oh, he’s working now, Mama”

Oh man, she says that all the time and it’s CRACKING me up. Or, here is another one.

Jumping in the car to go somewhere.
“Mama, movie please, Mama”
“No, honey, it’s Mama’s turn to listen to the radio – Mama wants to hear music”
“NO, Mama. It’s SAMMIE’s TURN. It’s MY TURN. Mama, movie Cinderella please, it’s SAMMIES TURN”

We spent a great deal of time on this the other day. She suddenly learned how to negotiate? haha – Now everytime we are going to go to the car she starts telling me it’s her turn. Yikes. We used to have a good mix of movie and tunes – usually the movie during longerish car rides… but she’s telling me it’s HER turn every time now. Totally cracking me up though. Except for the times when we are SOMEWHERE fun and she tells me she wants to leave and go watch a movie. OMG, LOL. Sometimes I think the movie player should break for a few days… It’s not like she screams in the car!! It does make things nice and quiet though. 🙂

She was saying something tonight that was funny too, but now I can’t remember what exactly. Just the fact that all these new words are sprouting out and the way she says things are hysterical.

Oh OH.. So. Hmm. Should I preface this saying with an explanation? haha – Ok, I will explain later. I’m not really that horrible of a person, I promise…

Sam is laying on the bed in her room, I am changing her diaper before nap. G is fussy and crying by this time, he is laying on the bed as well.
“Che-up, Baby G, che-up, Baby G!” (said kinda cheerfully)
“What honey? Check up? Baby G had his checkup last week, remember”
“No, shut up, Baby G, shut up”

hahahhaha, OMG. The way she was saying it was so nonchalantly, too! Yes, I have said this before, the time I remember was at least two weeks ago when he was SCREAMING his head off and we were rushing around… and yes, I was frustrated… but I remember saying, please shut up, Baby G! Please shut up! Ahhh… I have probably said this more times though… *hangs head in shame* hahah

Apparently Mama needs to watch her languange a HELL of a lot better in the near future. I think the fact that ‘shut up’ was the only one said is kinda good. Eek. But now that I think about it, we were in the car the other day and I called this irritating car in front of me ‘bastards’ and yes, she repeated me! Oops.

All I can say is that it makes me a LITTLE glad that she has pronunciation problems. 🙂 “What did she say!?? — I dunno, honey!”

I called the speech therapist people the other day but I was heading up the toll roads and it was going to be long so I hung up. We got the card from the Dr the other day, I guess I never talked about that day… but anyway. I keep changing my mind if we should go or not. She is slowly improving. But help now would be good to keep her improving. I will call soon.

– We went paddle boarding today at the boat! OMG! So fun! John took Sam ON HIS PADDLE BOARD!! Yes, when my Mom told me he wanted to do this with her it sounded like the freakiest thing I’ve ever heard of. Especially considering she can’t swim and is timid at this stuff, etc. etc. But Katie and I went paddling for awhile and after she watched us, she wanted to go! So John took her! It seemed safe when she went with him. 🙂 And she had fun.

I’m just gonna post the pictures, it’s getting late. Oh, the ones of me… OMG. I just have to say this reinforces my opinion that I need to STOP DRINKING COKE and eating cookies. Ack. Oh well. I was happy I fit into my old bathing suit before I saw these too… There is a reason that you are getting the one of me from kinda far away! Of course my sister looks great! 🙂


1 kristina August 17, 2008 at 1:40 pm

Love your photos.

Sam sounds like my Zoe right now. Too bad I don’t still live in SoCal, we could get them together and let them form a Pissed Off at the New Sibling Club while we listen to adult music (we have that same battle in the car, btw).

Also, Zoe has similar issues with speech. And believe me, there are times when I’m so happy folks can’t understand her! (Look for that story in a future Momfo blog) … I’ll try and remember to link back to your blog on it (sometimes tho I am so sleep deprived I forget, so if I do, my apologies).

I love your blog. Love it, love it love it.

2 Kim Moldofsky August 24, 2008 at 10:08 am

It’s so cute when they learn to talk and you have insight into their little thoughts. And it seems around age three they say the funniest things because they have figured out so many things about life, and yet are so clueless!
Kim from Momformation

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