by Kristi on April 29, 2008 · 2 comments

– Changing two kids with diapers totally sucks. Dude. We have been trying to get Sam to sit on the potty but after she pooped three months ago and freaked out, we are having a hard time. 🙂

– This is SO AWESOME, i’m so jealous. I can just imagine Sam throwing one of her seat tantrums and doing this… muwhahahaha

– Sam woke up Baby G four times yesterday. Can you say, NAPS SUCKED yesterday? Duck tape or chained to the wall? What do you think? Both? Yea, I will go with someones suggestion of duck tape and chained to a chair. And zip ties. Although I don’t know exactly what zip ties are.

– J came home to all three of us bawling on the floor yesterday. Haha, it’s kinda funny now. Needless to say, he went and got Golden Spoon for everyone. Although I haven’t eaten it yet. *sniff* Bed sounded much better, even if it was at 8:45.

– I was going to say that I hate Krysta after hearing how she was ‘sunbathing’ outside with her girls in exersaucers yesterday but then I got this text from her and the explanation that she got about 45min total sleep last night. Yea, nevermind. She can have her sunbathing! haha

– I gave Baby G a bath yesterday. Finally. Yes, his first bath in four weeks. He wasn’t that smelly though. I swear.

– I backed into someones car in my driveway last week. Yes, a poker boy. And then all the poker boys had to come out and file one by one to see both cars. Yes, there were about 11 of them in all. *sigh* I backed into the car but a) no one EVER parks there; b) my review mirrors are closed (they do that) when I’m in the garage so I have no side views; c) the driveway is on an incline so the main mirror in the car can’t see anything; d) the car beeps everytime I’m backing out so it’s not like I was paying attention to that; and e) they were parked diagonally so again, hard to see. Nice justification, huh? First ‘accident’ since driving, 12 years! Oh well. Luckily, I have known the guy for over 10 years and he’s a super sweetie so it’s not as bad as some other ‘unknown-ish’ guy… He offered to pay half the deductible, haha, I was like um I backed IN TO YOU. Funny and nice though.


1 Lindsay April 30, 2008 at 2:10 am

Ah yes…the blowout diapers. Gotta love those. I had one this morning–thought I got baby and me all cleaned up–looked at my fingernails 2 hours later…ew, you guessed it–poo in the fingernails. Lovely.

Thanks for stopping in to MOMformation today!

2 Krysta April 30, 2008 at 2:08 pm

LOVE the story from that other blog… Mabye I should start naming my car now…hmmmm any ideas?

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