Happy 4th of July!!

by Kristi on July 5, 2008 · 2 comments

Happy 4th of July from my adorable kiddos! How did I produce these cute kids? Look at that smile G has? The kids and I got up this morning and got ready and then I couldn’t resist throwing them on the couch for a quick photo! I took several and, of course, one kid is always smiling more than the other. Here is a good one of Sam smiling (while I told her to say: Jelly Beans!) but G hadn’t quite got it down yet…

Don’t be fooled by his pale head. He has dark hair but the cradle cap that he has makes it look blonder. I was letting it be but the past week I keep picking at it when I feed him. It’s at the point where the scales are PERFECT to peel off so half of his head is good and then scales are everywhere else. I need to just buy the darn oil and put it on his head and stop torturing us both.
I really really really wanted a family photo today. I stole a shirt from Krysta, which means I looked fashionably cute. I put makeup on. Shocker! Justin had on a white shirt that had some red logoish thing on there. So we were matching! Ok, we were color coordinated anyway. What does Sam do? REFUSE to take a photo at my parents house. So sad. J finally grabbed her when G was awake so I think we have one of her being pist off. Great. Oh well. Maybe one of these days.

I wasn’t sure what time J was going to wake up but he actually got up early. Probably he couldn’t sleep because I decided that I wanted my shower, which means I have to take it when the kids are first up. They are happiest then. But I had just found out there was going to be a DOG show at Canyon High School at 10am so I was going to go with, or without him, but he got up early anyway so I didn’t have to do it.

It was a good thing he was up, Sam didn’t even care about it! There were hundreds of dogs running around, tons of kids, and Sam kept climbing back in the stroller and wanting to leave!!
We have to stop telling her our plans for the day. Everything coming up sounds like more fun and she wants to go do that instead.

I hate it that kids don’t appreciate things during the present. I know I never did. Why don’t we realize how good we have it until it’s (almost) to late? Lame.

So we left and we had time to kill and while we were killing it (going back to the house to grab things as we were thinking about the day and realizing we shouldn’t go back home until we were all done!) and she wanted to go back to that place with the cars and the people and the dogs. Yea, sorry. Nope. We were driving along the parade route to the house seeing all the chairs set up and we realized, we have chairs and a blanket. We should mark our spot too! So, near the light next to Peralta Park where we would be parking up the hill, we found a spot! Cool! We were thinking ahead! We were so proud…

Oh well, it was off to JJ BrahBrah’s house! (Mom & John)

I wonder when or if she will actually call them Grandma instead of BrahBrah?

G decided to do a marathon sleeping session until after lunch was over, which was fine with me! Lunch was YUMMY and then Mom, John, and Sammie jumped in the pool. J and I sat on the couch reading (and feeding) and G conked out on me again. At 2, I finally told G enough and I put on my bathing suit and jumped in the pool with them! At 230, we all got out, dressed, and out to the car with a small amount of fuss. That was after brownies and ice cream of course. heehee
We went down the hill, parked pretty far away, oh well, and then found our spot. It was in the SHADE!!! OMG! Crazy. We really lucked out. And we had chairs. We never do this. We felt awesome. Of course Sam was hungry (didn’t eat lunch really) and I had no extra food (duh) so I had to find some. Which she didn’t eat because the parade had started and Nana BrahBrah (Sharon) came down to watch it with us. It all worked out in the end.

Anyway, she liked the parade. When the bands and people singing came by she was IN LOVE! Of course, like any parade, sometimes the gaps between things were FOREVER and a day long.. Sheesh. But she got to sit on Sharons’ lap and then they walked around a bit.

G slept 1/3, ate 1/3, and looked around the rest of the time. He screamed his way up the hill until we took the blanket off the baby seat and he could see Sammie in the back stroller part and she sang to him up the hill so he was quiet. HEEHEE – So THAT’S why those toddlers are so good to have with babies… I like that part.

Sam had no nap on Wed, a short nap on Thurs, and no nap today.. So we stopped at KFC, went home, put on a movie while Justin and I closed our eyes and zoned (G was eating and napping on me and then watching the movie too) and we did an early bedtime for the kids.

It’s 845 now, yes I know fireworks start in 15 min but in 15min you know where I am going to be? Yea, the computer still but by 930 I will probably be in bed! I’m exhausted!
Maybe next year we can REALLY plan better and then be able to go back down to Peralta and play and watch the fireworks. We must do Disneyland fireworks soon.

Hope everyone had a fabulous 4th!


1 Jodi July 6, 2008 at 4:53 pm

Be glad you didn’t do Disneyland for the 4th. We went there and the croud was insane, then, the fireworks can cancelled after about 15 minutes because of the wind! They were really good what we saw, but, we didn’t get to see all of them.
Glad you had a good 4th!

2 kristina July 28, 2008 at 4:46 pm

Your kids are soooo cute! Am enjoying catching up on your blog.

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