Roll over.. Roll over!

by Kristi on July 6, 2008

There were ten in the bed and the little one said..
Roll over, Roll over!
So they all rolled over
and one fell out…..

Yay I have that song in my head now. Fabs.

Little G rolled over today! Four times! He didn’t like his tummy time and just rolled the heck over. Sammie and I cheered for him and then I put him back. And then he rolled over again. haha – We kept cheering, Sammie was entertained. J ran over and watched. Then we tried to do it again later and he just sat there. Then he screamed. hehe

I really like stationary babies. But they all grow up, don’t they.

Last night the dogs woke up from firecrackers at 130. They jumped on J. They would never jump on me. They would regret it. Sadly. But of course I had to get up. We tried to make them sit down but that didn’t work. And then, of course we had to run around closing the windows so we could turn on the air. But the air was set to 74 and it WAS 74. Downstairs. It was about 80 in our room though. So after J went back downstairs to figure that out and came back up, he turned OFF the AC anyway and opened up all the windows. I helped. Even though I knew I would be getting up shortly again. It was irritating.

Then of course the dogs jumped on him again from some other firecracker ten minutes later. So, J decided… yep… to turn back on the AC. So we closed ALL the windows again.

Of course right when I got back to sleep, G woke up. He went back down after feeding. But instead of waiting until 530 to wake back up again like he has been doing, he got up at 445. Boo.

I just put him in bed with me and he eats/sleeps. But he eats/sleeps very energetically and kicks me the half the time. He’s sleeping when he is kicking me too! Finally at 7am I sat up and stared at him as he was moving around and he realized it and opened his eyes and smiled at me. So I had to get up.

Sam didn’t get up until EIGHT. EIGHT. I could have had such a nice wonderful extra hour of sleep. I really don’t know why I don’t kick J to get up. It’s really irritating. I’m slightly a morning person though. I would just sit in bed and staring at the walls.

And I made up for it by sitting on the couch while G ate and slept for… FOUR HOURS. Yep. Our weekend is always screwy, the ‘schedule’ is messed up and instead of him taking a cat nap on me and then me tossing him in the car seat, I just let him sleep. And decided to sleep too. When Sam wanted a snack I made her go wake up J. haha

As if the four hours in the morning wasn’t enough, I put him down in his swing three times for the afternoon nap until I gave up and sat with him on the couch again.

The boy likes his boob.

But then he rolled over. So, good job, G!

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