5+ Days

by Kristi on March 31, 2008 · 1 comment

Five days over? I can’t keep count…

Ok, I’m lying I can. I’m sooo over these pains. So over it! LOL – Ok, i’m not at the END of my rope but I know it will be over soon. Right? Right.

So today, I told Sharon to go to work since we will be needing her later this week anyway (usually she spends Mon mornings with Sam) and Sam and I are going to Chuck E Cheese! We are being joined by Krysta and the twins so hopefully that will be a good distraction today.

These pains are freaking annoying but not anything to bad. I think I’ll throw a towel or something in the car in case my water breaks, hahaha. Good to be prepared so you don’t need it right?

And I’m sure there are enough cops hanging around on that STUPID toll road (they are ALWAYS there, so annoying it’s a great freeway to go fast on) to deliver Griffin on the side of the road since there is no cell phone service. hahaha 🙂

{ 1 comment }

1 Anna March 31, 2008 at 5:35 pm

You are freakin crack up! 🙂

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