Easter Egg Hunt

by Kristi on March 17, 2008 · 1 comment

Fun photos today at the Easter Egg Hunt from the Light of the Canyon Church. Sharon and Truck invited us and it was so much fun! Sam had a blast. They had an In&Out truck there for lunch. Yum yum!

I had to take Justin back home at 1230 so I missed the whole running for the eggs thing but I got there in time to see Sam still going through her eggs. I don’t think she QUITE realized what the jelly beans were when she was opening them. Until I popped one into her mouth. 🙂 heehee – Oh man, she loved those things after that!! Of course, Justin (later) was like OMG, why was she eating all that processed sugar??!? Gee, I don’t know honey. I’m of the mind that she has to have some sweets sometimes so she doesn’t insanely crave them later in life. So if it’s Golden Spoon ice cream every week, or jelly beans on a holiday, or… Campitelli Cookies when Mommy gets a craving (shhhh) – then that’s what it is!

He also seems to not realize that I bribe her with orange TicTacs to sit in her car seat when I can’t stand the drama some days but shhh, just our little secret, mkay?

Apparently though, she really likes gummy bears better than jelly beans. Good to know. The jelly beans are all set in her Easter basket that i set up yesterday though. Just in case I wouldn’t be able to set it up later. 🙂

Also, she ADORED the Easter bunny. I was so shocked. She hopped right over to his lap and took a picture with him. STRANGE!! Where did my shy little girl go? Maybe cause for the last month or so I tell her to ‘hop like a bunny’ where ever we go. “Hop like a bunny into your car seat!” “Hop like a bunny upstairs!” And she says… “Hop Eeee! Hop Eeee!” Whatever. It works, right? So she actually went back to him to give him five, a kiss, and a hug later too. And when he left, she was all ‘BYYEEEE!! BYEEEE!!!’ – Calling across the grass. What a crackup! I’ll have to figure out how to use this for Santa? Cause Santa was not a cool guy at all.

We all had a very nice weekend though. Justin took her out for errands on Saturday and I got so much done. I’m forgetting half of it… but I wrapped Sam’s present from Griffin, started my hospital bag, set up her Easter basket, and did two loads of laundry (one of which was the rest of Griff’s stuff!).

Justin also got a lot done, I finally made him a list. haha – He did almost everything on it so that’s good. The two important things were setting up our new stroller and moving the baby crib back to the top position. Even though we probably won’t use it for months, good to do it now when there is only one kiddo in the house!

Our new stroller is SO VERY COOL! (Thanks Momma!) We went with the Baby Trend Sit & Stand PLUS but I then figured out that all these companies resell their strollers to different companies with different FABRICS on them! Duh! So this one was called Sit & Stand Elite, and was very neutral, even though it looks pink, it’s tan. This one also brags about having rubber wheels. All the other kinds are… what? I have no clue…

Anyway, months ago we tried the Joovy Caboose and while Sam LOVED it, I was not to thrilled. She is still young enough to want to sit in a stroller sometimes, even though she loved the concept of perching in the back or standing. Plus when the seat was reclined for the baby (or with the car seat installed), Sam basically couldn’t sit down at all. She would have to sit leaning forward. It didn’t look to comfortable, even if kids never mind a little discomfort.

I did all the research, blah blah blah, checked out dozens of testimonials, and even though you couldn’t test them out in person, went with the Baby Trend Plus (or Sit & Stand Elite, whatever). The back seat is great for Sam! It doesn’t sit up all the way but I read a testimonial where the seat straps of the sit portion can jimmy the seat to stay up all the way. The front seat is great too. Even with the seat in back, Sam has room when the infant car seat is in there. And when the back seat is out, there is tons of room too.

It’s pretty much a huge stroller though and can barely close but I wasn’t expecting a lightweight one! You also really can’t reach the storage basket on the bottom which is slightly bad but not the end of the world. It has cup holders (or a place for my keys and phone) and Sharon got me a stroller bag clip which will probably work great for this stroller!

So I think that the benefit of the extra seat will really come in handy when I want to go on long walks when I get into exercise mode (*ahem* hopefully…) or other times when Sam wants to sit back and relax. Zoo trips, I dunno. 🙂 It was slightly annoying to take off the seat and get it back on (I actually didn’t SEE Justin put it back on again) but he took it off the first time in about 4 minutes and that was after checking each position to remember how to put it back on again. So a few minutes if we have an emergency ‘tired child’, not to bad!! It will probably be super easy once I actually try to do it, personally! I will probably leave the second seat in for the next few months until we really reach the point of Sam not wanting to sit in the stroller any longer. Who knows when that will be, she likes to sit down! (Takes after her Momma.)

Today was good too, got a lot done and had fun at the Easter Egg Hunt. I must say that I HATE thunder, we had thunder this afternoon. Our dogs go absolutely freaking nuts. Now, I’m sad that they are scared of the thunder but I have no patience for their freakouts. Especially as Turbo simply does it cause Crash is freaking out. If Turbo was alone, he wouldn’t even hear or recognize the stupid thunder.

And my rash is horrible. Yay for lotion in the fridge, feels so nice and cool on my skin. It FEELS so good to itch too. Only to have my skin burn about two seconds later. But the actual itching feels wonderful. 🙂 MUST STOP ITCHING.

38 weeks and 4 days… I know it will be another two weeks cause this rash is just so WONDERFUL to have around! Yay! 🙂 I predict the 28th anyway.

{ 1 comment }

1 Paige March 17, 2008 at 2:35 pm

what are your plans for tomorrow?(tuesday) Can the kids and I come by in the afternoon? Like around 2? Let me know!

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