Sick Night

by Kristi on February 3, 2008

Poor thing. She went down at 845 and cried right after so I had to go in and read another story ( J reads about 14, LOL) and then I rocked her to sleep. She snotted all over my shirt, poor thing! I think being upright while I was rocking her helped a bit though.

But we were going down to watch Lost and I was moving toys out of the way and I think that woke her up, cause she started crying again. 🙁 Justin read her another story and put her back down. I was expecting the worst!

Luckily, she cried around 1am but went back down. I, of course, didn’t get to sleep around that time either cause of watching Lost and then plain not being able to get back to sleep. Anyway.

At 3:40 I was having THE WEIREST dream. God, I hate preggo dreams. Anyway, I turn around as I kept hearing these nosies ever few seconds and it’s the monitor! I realized I had turned it waaaay down and turn it up. Sam is saying “Mama. Eeeuogh (eggs). Mama. Apple. Ahhh!” Anyway, she wasn’t screaming… So that was nice.

I got up and went downstairs. Cleaned her face off, got some yogurt and went back upstairs. Fed it to her and rocked her again to sleep. When I put her down she looked at me and looked around for awhile but went back to sleep. She woke up at 7:40 today.

Sadly, she woke up to being squished into the corner of the crib screaming her head off cause she got her arm stuck. hahaha – It’s so sad but it cracks me up. Half the time she does it to herself and is so outraged. Like the other week where she THREW all her bedding and toys out of her crib during nap time, somehow got BOTH of her feet stuck through the same slat and was SO OUTRAGED. hahahha – She’s up now, snot still present and wheezy! Yay!

Nicole’s bday brunch is today that we were all going to head down too. She is not going anywhere though, but I am going to try and make it. I can feel myself getting sick too, so I’m not gonna touch anyone! Bleah!

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