Sick Today…

by Kristi on February 3, 2008

So yesterday we had some old friends call us up and want to go out to dinner tonight cause we haven’t seen them in aaaages. After discussing it back and forth with J, we decided that we should not go, given the fact we wanted to move Sam to her big girl bed today. We thought coming home right at bedtime and suddenly sleeping in there would be to weird. Especially given the fact we wanted to spend some time ‘moving’ all her stuffed animals and her favorite books to the new room so it would feel real.

Unfortunately, she started getting a runny nose this morning. We watched her all day. She didn’t take that long of a nap either. I kept giggling while I was thinking what was going to happen tonight. She may be easy going but the night-time waking (especially if she is sick) I was NOT looking forward too. We went to Target anyway to get a middle blanket for her bed (in between the comforter and sheet). After her nap she kept sneezing more and her nose was running outta control.

I kept giggling.

We realized we had no night light either. She sleeps in a darkened room but I did not feel comfortable putting her in a new room with new furniture in the dark so we went to Target (again) after dinner to get a night light. The nose got worse.

So we decided to put it off. Maybe in a few days. We shall see what happens tonight with her sleep too. I was keeping her sleep journal but she had about 6 good days and then I stopped opening it to record it. I’m trying to remember what happened a week ago, but I’m blanking out. It’s at least twice a week where she cries, puts herself back to bed, or cries forevvvver and wants food. Sadly, most of the times where she wants food it’s because she was sooo excited doing whatever it is we did in the evening and didn’t eat at dinner and somehow didn’t make it up later in the evening either.

We’ve been off bottles for 12 days so far and nothing has changed with her sleep. She’s only asked for the bottles in the evening once or twice, usually when she sees her medicine which I put in her sippy cup now. So, it’s nice that we are off bottles but the sleep is still not improving.

I can only hope that the new room & mattress will help. More than a year ago, I remember thinking myself (actually the person on the baby board where I read the advice) a genius because I had her stop sleeping on the hard mattress of her crib and pillowed three blankets and her comforter over it (tucked in, of course). The day I did that she slept a three hour nap instead of her 45min ones. It only got better from there. The queen mattress that used to be ours is extremely comfy and I hope she will be happy in it. I can only hope. LOL – Otherwise, I will make Justin sleep in there with her and Griffin and I can have the master bedroom. haha *sigh*

It’s not as bad as it could be, definitely. I just hate the inconsistency of it. Getting a full nights sleep is impossible, although I would be in the same place right now even if she DID sleep through the night given how uncomfortable I am getting. Either you wake up cause of her, or you wake up wondering if she is going to start crying anytime soon. Then you are lulled into a nice peaceful sleep for a few days only to be rudely awakened.

Whine, whine whine…


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