Update: Soccer

by Kristi on May 13, 2014 · 1 comment

Well, we didn’t get the call! My friend texted me at  8:30pm on Sunday and said she got notified, as did a friend of hers. They were both invited to progress further. We never got a call so I’m going to assume we are out.

They should really call the people who didn’t make it! *pout*

My stomach was upset that night and I woke up at 5am Monday and finally gave up at 6am and got up for the day. Sam came down and we chatted for a bit and then I broke the news to her. She looked a little sad and said, ‘Okay’. I talked about how it was brave of her to try out in the first place and we can use this next year to really practice her skills on the bigger field of U10 (which is where we are heading since there is not enough U9 girls to make a league) and also get closer to her black belt in Taekwondo.

I think it’s character building for her but I’m still sad she didn’t make it. I didn’t think she was going to but I was still crossing my fingers. We still have a ton of time to worry about getting on competitive teams since she is still so young. It would have been so fun to be with her close friends though. C’est la vie!


{ 1 comment }

1 Kelvin May 26, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Not making the team is always tough when it comes to kids but like you said it’ll build character and its a good learning experience. Good luck with the taekwondo belt and I’m sure the next soccer tryout will have better results. 🙂
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