A Little Bit of This, a Little Bit of That

by Kristi on January 21, 2011

It’s Friday! I had all these things that I kept meaning to blog about. Sadly, I only saved two of the pages but I’m sure I can ramble on about a whole host of things. First of…

The winners of the amazingly awesome ARCTIC EASE, courtesy of Random.org is Angela! Come on down! (Ok, not really, how about I email you instead?) Also, because I had another one and I love all your comments, I decided to give away a 2nd one as well, and…. (drumroll please…) Brookie! You won! (Hey, Random.org, really weird going for #1 and #2? But cool!)

So how was everyone’s week? Griffin is a little sickie boy this week and BOY does it make me happy that I got to avoid most of his crazy crankiness by letting my wonderful husband deal with him! (Does that sound terrible? I don’t really care. I totally fled to Starbucks the other day to get some work done. I should have stayed there all day.) Seriously, I feel bad for him. He has this terrible croup that is not going away. He’s coughing non-stop. He has some amazing horrible bowel movement problems that have sent us to the GI doctor for him twice this week. (His blood test were normal, we have moved to insane amounts of Miralax and mineral oil, he’s just being stubborn apparently.) Poor baby. It was/is kind of terrible. Last night he finally got some sleep and he got a good nap today. I hope he’s on the mend.

Sam had ‘Move Up’ day today. She came home filled with talk about how in Kindergarten you get to play on the big playground with monkey bars and take a yellow school bus on three trips during the year. Oh, my big girl.

Loved this article about the differences between IBS and IBD. My biopsy came back ‘sounds like Irritable Bowel Disease’ which… means that my biopsy didn’t have any cancerous cells to it. So good news. But I wanted something concrete? Like, an official document saying Crohn’s Disease. That would be nice. Apparently, they don’t hand those out though. So I will be continuing on these steroids and seeing the Dr again in a few weeks. Other than that, everything seems to be normal even though I have eating halfway terribly, craving carbs and sugar.

Another article from DaMomma about commenting on other people’s parenting. I enjoyed it even though I related to it. I have a tendency to want to chat with other parents and be a little more curious than I should be. I should keep my mouth shut. In this instance, I could totally see myself reassuring a parent to leave her child for a few minutes among friends. Although I probably wouldn’t ask how old she was (I would probably already know! haha) but this article reminds me that I should simply smile more. We all deserve a smile.

Well, I forgot everything else. 🙂 Luckily, it’s Friday! Woohoo!

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