It’s a New Year

by Kristi on January 1, 2010

Ahhh, the wonderful New Year’s post! I’ve read so many of them today already.  It really doesn’t feel quite like a new year yet, maybe it will on Monday when we get into the normal routine of things.  We had a wonderful Christmas break though. I read tons of books on my new Kindle (love that thing!), went skiing with Sammie, and had hot chocolate by a roaring fire with my favorite people last night.  It was perfect.

I’ve been skimming through my past posts, which have been rare lately, but anyway.  We had a good year. A few ups and downs, as usual, but pretty much it was wonderful!

Griffin started crawling in January, had his first birthday AND first ER trip (nothing serious). We selected a wonderful preschool for Sammie and actually got her potty trained.  Which the training lasted from March until, oh, we’ve been smooth sailing for the past three weeks.  Cross your fingers!  I went on a COMPLETELY crazy diet because my body has been so out of whack since I was pregnant with Griffin.  It worked and I’m still (somewhat) healthy right now.  Good thing I can still eat chocolate!  Watching my two beautiful kids grow up is an amazing thing. Sam is so independent now that she is four, but still sweet, thoughtful, and caring.  Griffin loves taking after his sister and can understand so much now and is a joy to snuggle with and we have so much fun learning new things.

Reading some of my past New Year’s resolutions from 2009 and 2008, I am actually fairly impressed. I kept one or two of them!! I’m still cooking dinners instead of doing mostly takeout. We hardly ever get takeout anymore, actually.  Also, my kitchen is clean!! Now, it’s just two of the counters but at least THOSE are clean, right? I’m still giving myself a pat on the back! 🙂

When I think about the year coming up, I am so excited. We have so many wonderful things planned. This is the year I’m going to be 30. We have an exciting beach vacation planned, I need to get Griffin potty trained, Sam will be going to school full time next year, and I will be doing some fun new things as well.

I don’t think I will be doing any official resolutions this year.  I’m tempted to make one up right now and then break it 🙂 I hope everyone had a safe, happy, and healthy holiday.

May joy be with you in 2010.

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