Preschool Backpack

by Kristi on July 6, 2009 · 11 comments

I’ve been thinking about preschool for Sam and whether or not she needs a backpack. For the past few weeks I was thinking, nah, she doesn’t need a backpack. I didn’t really remember seeing any in their cubicles when we toured the school but then again, I didn’t really remember…

Then Pottery Barn for Kids showed up with their back to school backpacks edition. And ooooh, it hooked me. She does need a backpack. She needs her lunch box at least, and I’m more in love with the cute little lunch boxes with the little containers you can buy to put in them now too. But the backpack is needed for extra clothes because OH MY GOD, potty training is kicking my butt. If anyone snuck into my house today and looked at my Google history it would be filled with ‘potty training setbacks’, ‘what do do when your preschooler is driving you batty’ and other interesting (or not so interesting…) things like that.

Back to shopping. Where should I go? I know some people are reading this who already have purchased cute backpacks. ๐Ÿ™‚

I definitely want a preschool backpack because it’s a little smaller. But there is Pottery Barn and the cute lunch bags, Sweet Dreams Baby (which I just browsed through and liked!), and let’s not even talk about

More cute finds at:

Anyway. Mama’s, where did you get your backpacks?? Should I just wait for Target to get theirs in?

UPDATE: ย After going through all the helpful links below, searching out backpacks, checking out Target… We made the decision on what preschool backpack to buy!

Update 2012: Take a look at the AWESOME cute elementary lunch box we just got Sam!


1 angela July 6, 2009 at 11:14 pm

one of my students had this mermaid backpack from Oilily –; it was ADORABLE!! but i am shocked at the price! yikes! it also wasn’t very good for the days when she’d have to bring a blanket and sheet for nap time, so if Sam has to bring that stuff, it might make it hard. otherwise, if she’s just carrying her lunch, it’d be ok!

the twins in our class (a boy and girl) had these Room Seven backpacks – he had the Tony Toucan and she had the Lou Kangaroo –

not sure if any of these are up your alley, but just thought i’d share! hehe good luck!

2 Tiffani July 7, 2009 at 7:08 am

We went to Office Max and bought the little Jansport plain preschooler size backpacks. Then went to Michael’s and bought markers and Patches and decorated them ourselves. The kids like the preschooler size better because they are small enough the kids can wear them to school and also when ever we go anywhere they want to take stuff like toys and snacks.

3 Kristi July 7, 2009 at 7:20 am

Angela, I love those links, thank you! I cringe whenever the Chasing Fireflys catalouge comes to my house, their stuff is SO expensive but so cute!

Tiffani – Hmm, that would be an interesting one. I completely suck at decorating though. But it might be fun!

4 Jamie Bengard July 7, 2009 at 10:21 am

We got Aiden a cool Volcom backpack at the Chicks annual tent sale. Not very girlie, I know. We weren’t even looking for one, you’ll always find the best ones when you’re not looking. ๐Ÿ™‚ Easier said than done huh? ๐Ÿ™‚ But I do LOVE the pottery barn ones, but those are more like over nighters. I agree, they are not very preschool. ๐Ÿ™‚ Awww… Etsy, yes, I’m sure there are VEYR cute ones on Etsy. ๐Ÿ™‚ Good Luck!! Can’t wait to see the first day of school photos!!
.-= Jamie Bengard´s last blog ..Aiden’s Room =-.

5 Anna July 7, 2009 at 12:55 pm

Target has theirs out now… I would go there. Honestly, Aidan has gone through a few backpacks and lunch boxes. They have both @ Target and they’re great. Plus, they send them home from preschool with tons of papers each day, and it’s easier to put in the backpack when you have another little one to keep from running into the street.

Aidan’s current backpack is actually from PayLess. They have a good selection of smaller sized backpacks as well, and always cute Disney ones.
.-= Anna´s last blog ..Bloodโ€ฆ =-.

6 Kristi July 7, 2009 at 1:08 pm

Hmmm, such decisions! LOL – I’m kinda liking the make your own right now actually. I think I just need to pick out a few and let Sam choose. She honestly might be super happy with a Disney princess one.

Jamie, too bad Chicks is gone now!

7 Paige July 12, 2009 at 8:51 am

When the girls first started preschool I went to target and let them pick out their own backpacks, needless to say the backpacks were bigger than them. I ended up getting them some from the disney store that were more their size. They only used backpacks for the first year, and all I had in them was an extra change of clothes, for accidents. I got their lunch boxes from the Childrens Place, they have great lunch boxes for an amazing price! This last year of preschool, they didn’t use their backpacks at all. Good luck!
.-= Paige´s last blog ..let me see a show of hands….. =-.

8 Suz Broughton July 16, 2009 at 8:52 pm

Target, Sister!
.-= Suz Broughton´s last blog ..There’s a big difference between Ducks and elephants =-.

9 Cindy Morrison July 27, 2009 at 2:19 pm

We got all of ours at LL Bean. Lots of colors and styles to choose from, and you can get their names or initials embroidered on them. BTW, she does need one so they can carry papers to the parents and school projects back and forth from school to home. Good luck!

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