Oreo Cookie Update

by Kristi on August 5, 2007 · 4 comments

7 weeks is coming up. Or rather, I’m 7 weeks now coming up on 8. I always hated how the weeks are counted. It confuses everyone. I think I’m confused half the time but everyone ends up counting it differently. I’m in my 7th week of pregnancy yet I’m only 6 weeks pregnant. And all the books seem to explain it slightly different.

One of the best books I would read constantly was Your Pregnancy Week by Week. Every week I would read the week that I just past, the current week, and the week after…. and repeat each week. I must have read those chapters constantly. It was an awesome book though. I lent it to Krysta a few months ago and really don’t feel the need to reread it now. But for first time Mom’s I definitely recommend it.

I pretty much have the same symptoms I had from my first PG. Cramping. Ugh. I just get the worst cramps ever. Sometimes they come on and I feel like I have to breathe through them, and I want to throw up. I don’t have nasuea but I have cramping instead. And if I haven’t eaten yet, I will get cramping. So it’s kind of funny. Every night we give Ms Sammie baths and since we give them in our room, we have one of those wide bathtubs with a step up… so I sit on the side and lean over… Ick. We may have to change locations cause I don’t think I can hunch over for to long.

Other than that, all is good! I was really tired at first. It was funny, I would get tired in the morning and then when Sam went down for a nap (meaning I could potentially lie down too 😉 I got a big burst of energy. 🙂 Then, Sam missed a few naps and started getting up at 5:30 or 6… so I was tired. She is sleeping better now (love those naps!) so hopefully I will get back on schedule. Sometimes I think if I get to much sleep it just makes it worse. My clothes are still fitting too which is nice. I’ve heard such horror stories about second pregnancy’s where you pop out so soon. Although I’m not sure how horror filled it would be… I love maternity clothes! They are soooo comfy! Nothing is comfy during hot weather through so I will be thrilled to wear maternity sweaters in a few months. I did go browse Motherhood the other day for sale stuff that i might wear in the spring.

Sammie is doing great. We were down at Huntington Beach’s Main Street today for breakfast and a walk down the pier. She had so much fun. They have a shop with kites, flags, and those things that turn around in the wind… and I think that was her favorite stop. She would run through them over and over again…. She was also saying ‘Beech… Beech!’ as we kept repeating it to her. I feel like we are speech therapist sometimes… Sammie, can you say Beach? Sammie, can you say Fish? hehe – She’s so smart though. She’s really starting to mimic everything we do. It’s a crackup.

I also got the iPhone last week. OMG, it rocks. It deserves it’s own post though. The things that phone can do… I’m in love!


1 Amy B. August 6, 2007 at 3:47 pm

Hey Kristi:

I’m one of Jamie Bengard’s friends and I saw a website in a baby magazine ad. They claim to predict gender from a urine test at 8 weeks. Crazy, huh?

Good Luck! Amy

2 Amy B. August 6, 2007 at 3:48 pm
3 Kristina August 6, 2007 at 3:49 pm

Thanks Amy! I’ve had some people take that. 🙂 Apparently it measures the testostorone or something. Something to think about…. hehe

4 Krysta August 9, 2007 at 6:48 pm

I’m going to have to say this one’s a boy… seems like a little different pregnancy than the first, and Sam needs a little brother to boss around 😉 By the way… you lent that book to me a year ago!!! I should start emailing you your weekly info… that would be awefully ambitious of me.

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