Git Your Dirty Mitts off my CHILD!

by Kristi on December 16, 2006 · 4 comments

So, we are standing in line for dinner (I’m the take-out Queen!) and this woman on her way to the drink machine stops, says the obligatory ‘What BEAUTIFUL red HAIR!’ and then runs her hands over my childs head to… feel her hair? Admire it’s baby strands? What?

The only thing I have in common with this woman is we happen to be occuping the same restaurant!

Now, I have seen some pretty cute kids before and wanted to pick them up and snuggle them (ok, not really) but I can see touching their hands or running a fingertip down their cheek. (Ok maybe). Sam will get that sometimes. That is no biggie.

But her head? Seriously, would you go up to some person on the street and say what beautiful hair and runs your hands through it? Why is that ok to do to a defenseless child?

Gross! She totally sat their caressing her hair. It’s cool hair. We get about four comments a day on it. But, eww, I don’t know you, step away from the baby.

Now, if I know you… That’s cool, I don’t care. If you are relatives, no worries. If you are a friend of a friend of a friend and someone vouches for you, cool. But some crazy on the street? Get your hands of my child.

Am I crazy?


1 Anna December 16, 2006 at 6:51 am

Nooo, you are not crazy! One time someone at church walked up to me (Aidan was probably like 6 weeks old) and said, “Can I hold him?” I knew she attended there, but didn’t know her. Anyway, I began to reply with a “not really…” etc… and in mid ‘not’ she just took him. Not like kidnapper took him, but quick enough that I didn’t quite know what hit me. I felt so dumb for not wrenching him back to me but I truly didn’t realize what was happening. Anyway, ever since then I’m like, ‘back off people’. If I was on the street or something obviously that would have played out differently with kung fu fighting and all that.

I’m w/you tell ’em to keep their hands off!

2 Kristina December 17, 2006 at 6:37 am

hehe – i think you told me that story before! I think ‘old’ people do that. I have an older relative that tried to do the same thing but since it was a non-blood relative, I pretty much ignored her and walked away. 🙂 Mean Kristi! heehee

3 Kristina December 17, 2006 at 6:38 am

Ok, that comment was weird. I meant it in the way of the older generation… As in ‘old’. The older generation tends to think differently about that type of stuff and likes to do as they please.

Hmm… I don’t make much sense as you can argue that both ways but hopefully you know what I mean!

4 Anna December 17, 2006 at 11:49 pm

hehehe, I know **exactly** what you mean.

I just don’t know who this “Mean Kristi” is… I don’t think we’ve met 😉

hahaha, ok, now I’m just being a snotty poo. Hope you’re having a good day!! 🙂

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