Dear Sam…

by Kristi on June 24, 2006 · 1 comment

Dear Sammy,

We would just like to let you know that 4:00am is still night-time and not time to get up. If you find you wake up around that time and are hungry, you are definitely welcome to come in Mommy & Poppa’s bed and eat an early breakfast but only if you go to sleep afterwards.

While we love the sound of your new found voice, we would prefer you not to use it until at least the hour of 7:00am. Your high pitched squeals of joy and babbles of new words are incredibly cute and we love them but we need our sleep to keep up with you all day.

Thank you for showing Mommy that Winnie the Pooh is on at 5:30am though. Mommy was not aware of that fact and if you are so interested in watching it, she would be more than happy to TVo it for you so you can watch it around, oh, a good time like 8:00am.

Please take three good naps today, ok?

Love you always,
Mommy & Poppa

{ 1 comment }

1 Anna July 15, 2006 at 2:33 pm

OMG, this is the best post ever! hahaha

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