
by Kristi on June 26, 2006

What a weekend! Sam has definitely been… a challenge this weekend. For the past few weeks, people would ask, ‘Is she teething’? – and I would say, I have NO IDEA! Everyone always says teething is such a pain in the butt but Sam just drools quite a bit and sticks things in her mouth like usual. Well, I think she is ‘teething’ now. I can finally join the club.

She was incredibly irritable this whole weekend. Nothing made her happy for long. Justin and I kept taking turns with her attempting to keep her entertained and boy was it a hard job.

Last night was the worst nights in quite a long time. She woke up at 1030 (we were still up though) so I brought her back to bed to eat again. I tried soothing her for a few minutes but she screamed and screamed so I just gave in to the feeding madness. I put her back in her crib at 11. At 12, she cried again. Tried the soothing/rocking, etc. but ended up with her in our bed for a bit. I’m not sure when I put her back but at 1:30 the DOGS freaked out and started jumping on Justin. She wasn’t in our bed at that time but we got to wake up and try and figure out what was going on. Was there an animal outside? Was there people out in the yard? Was the wind bothering them? We started closing all the windows and right as we were doing that lightening lit up the sky. Crash HATES lightening. So, that was the problem. Back to bed. I think Sam got up again around 2, or maybe 3. It gets hazy after that. I think she was permanently in our bed at that time, but she continued to cry/fuss/want to eat again around 4, 5, and 6 and finally I stumbled out of bed around 7 because she was ‘up’. She went back to bed for a nap around 830, when Justin got up, and I went back down. So, Sunday was a horrible day. I was kind of tempted to call a Grandma for babysitting duties but that just would have been MEAN.

For her afternoon nap, we got started all wrong so I let her cry it out for awhile. She cried, and cried, and cried…. and then started to shriek. Really loudly. I gave up after resoothing her several times and just popped her on my boob and she knocked herself out. Of course. I tried to put her down when she was asleep but the SECOND she felt the crib on her back she started shrieking in her sleep again. Yikes. So, we went down to the couch and I read a book while she ate and snoozed. Justin came home an hour later and he sat down next to us with his book. The next thing I remembered was waking up another hour and a half later and we were late for dinner with Grandma Jerra & Grandpa John! Yikes! The nap was nice though. Plus, Sam was in a little better mood for dinner, I think cause she was held the whole time. And had grapes. She loves grapes. I need to go to the store and buy more grapes. She will suck on them for about 15 min.

So going to bed tonight was a little hard with that long nap in the afternoon. We shall see what happens tonight. I should stop bringing her into our bed and feeding as I think it’s giving her the wrong idea. It’s so hard to make that decision at 3am though.

If it is teething, I hope those little toothies come in quick. We bought Ora-gel today for her gums, just in case. She could just be off her schedule though… I really don’t know.

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