Facebook Detox

by Kristi on May 10, 2014

It’s been two days since I removed Facebook from my phone. 

I know. I KNOW. Me. The completely addicted social media girl who is on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, WhatsAp, OkHello, Michael’s Coupons… Okay, one of those doesn’t fit but I did just use it.

Last Thursday a few people were sharing Momastery’s post about addiction and well, uh, I resemble that blog post. Addicted to food. To the Internet. To the Facebook ap. A whole bunch of other things…

Without even thinking about it, I pressed my finger on the app for 3 seconds and they all started to wiggle. I quickly hit the X and deleted the ap. Really quickly.

I think everyone knows how it is… your attention wanders and since it wandered, well you might as well open Facebook and see what your friends are doing. Two minutes later, let’s check again. You open an email and have to download a document… 14 seconds until downloaded! Hmm… what’s up on Facebook! Of course, on the phone it’s even worse. At night… at the red light… in the morning… when my kids are talking to me.

I also have a program on my Chrome browser that limits the time spent on most social media sites (plus a few more I added) during the work day to keep me focused. It can get to that limit frequently.

Don’t get me wrong, I left everything else on my phone. 2048 is still on there, and that actually might be worse. Damn game. I already beat it too but I keep trying to do better. The worst culprit is Facebook though and I thought it would do me some good. I’m definitely feeling it. 

It’s been good. I’m okay with myself when I put it back on but I’m seeing how long I can go. I’m still on my computer A LOT so it’s not like I will be missing things.

On Thursday I said to myself that I would try to wait until Sunday to put it back on. I’m thinking I should go a full week. We shall see.

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