I Am The Cookie Monster!

by Kristi on September 28, 2009 · 3 comments

“I am the cookie monster!” I shouted to the sky. **

On Friday we had our Fall Festival at Sam’s new school. It was AWESOME.  The thought put into this event was amazing. They had the coolest crafts, super interactive games, and crazy water play for the older kids.  So cool!  But I was ready to cheat on my diet.  I wanted brownies. A pan of them.  I would settle for some chocolate cookies though. I bought a dozen  Campetelli Cookies to give to the ‘Cake Walk’ for the school. Anyone ever done a cake walk? In my mind I was picturing a big room filled with cakes (baked goods) that you walked through and then bought some to support the school.

I was wrong.

A cake walk is a big circle of musical chairs, with chalk squares written on the ground. You bought in for a ticket and walked around while the music played. When it stopped, they drew a number out of a hat and whoever won got to pick a cake.  Do you know how many times I played that game? Ugh. There was also NO other baked goods being sold at the event. No cookie booths at all.  It was horrifying.  There was snow cones and cotten candy though but I wanted baked stuff.

Finally at the end of the night we had four tickets left and we all played. I was holding Griffin and took two tickets and when the music stopped I was around 14. Since 4 is my favorite number I stepped on 14 and took 13 as well, since 13 is so unlucky.  Then 14 was picked! I won! But since it was the end of the night do you know what was left?  NO brownies.  Actually there were expresso ones.  EWWW, I hate coffee.  Then I saw them. Three store bought (not Campetelli) hard choco-chip cookies.  I hemmed and hawed but there was NOTHING good left.  I ended up taking them and took a bite and it was SO gross.

Once we got home, I peeked into the boys room and the dozen cookies I got them were only half way gone. The chocolately ones were gone but there was a regular one left.  I snatched it up and ate it while enjoying the season premier of Grey’s Anatomy. Which was awesome.

After I had one, I then proceeded to eat the other two gross ones from the festival.  Fully expecting to regret it later.

Surprisingly, I did not.  I CAN EAT COOKIES.

I think that may be a bad thing to know.  I reached 150.5, do I really want to know that I can eat cookies without feeling sick? The 10lbs gone feels so great!

The next morning I felt great, hubby woke up super early with a craving to go to the Pancake House.  Since I was bad the night before and nothing happened, I decided to be even worse.  Yep. French toast, covered in butter and syrup, with eggs and bacon.  I skipped the cheese on the eggs since I’m pretty positive I have problems with that.

Guess what?


Can you see the pounds creeping back on me? haha 🙂

Well, good news though.

The bad news is that after I had my cheat day (well, night and morning) I was good and then I tested out chicken.  Chicken was not good. 🙁  I waited another day and then tested chicken out again tonight and I think I have another food to add to my bad list.  Garlic, corn, and chicken.  I have to test out whole milk next, I think.

If it is all meat then it would make sense because I was having chicken every other night, with pasta (meat in the sauce) the other nights. Plus turkey and ham sandwiches almost every day.  Bacon didn’t bother me though so maybe it’s not all meats.  Maybe the chicken four times a week was enough to throw me off balance.

A friend commented the other day that she knew someone who had problems from the hormones in chicken. Which is fascinating. Especially since I break out in hives when taking synthetic hormones.  Hmm… I will have to continue to experiment.

I have been enjoying shrimp stir fry lately though.  Shrimp is sooo yummy. Especially thrown in the pan with mushrooms and asparagus with a little white rice. Yum!

**  Anyone get The Ugly Pumpkin for their kids? We got this last year from a friend and Sam is getting a kick out of it. It’s actually for Thanksgiving but I got it out of the holiday books because it had a pumpkin on it. 🙂 After reading it over and over again for the past week, we were at the park one night and Sam climbed up a big hill, threw her arms high up in the air and shouted, “I AM THE UGLY PUMPKIN!”.  I just cracked up.


1 Tiffani September 29, 2009 at 2:43 pm

ha! i thought the same thing as you for the cake walk. now i am disapointed it. Ours is in a few weeks and I thought i get to buy all these differnt slices of cake. :o(

2 Paige October 3, 2009 at 5:14 pm

seriously you are so funny! I am so happy for you that you can eat cookies AND french toast, cuz seriously you could live without chicken but cookies I think not! Also the girls school had a carnival a few weeks back and they had a cake walk and I thought the same thing as you, but no I was wrong and pretty dissapointed.
.-= Paige´s last blog ..brynnie this one is for you… =-.

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