Redesigned Diaper Champ Stinks

by Kristi on January 5, 2009 · 1 comment

I have a lot of friends who have become pregnant over the years and since I have a lot of opinions to give (…hahaha) you usually see me recommending the Baby Trend Diaper Champ to people.

The thing is, we purchased the Diaper Champ in 2005. We actually purchased two. We have one in our laundry room and one up in the baby’s room.  These things were great! We didn’t smell anything, they kept the diapers contained, and they used regular trash bags.

Until the day hubby started complaining that there was poop in our main Diaper Champ that we use and we needed a new one.  I dutifully went out and bought a new one that sat on our couch for several months in the box.  I guess it wasn’t that bad, I really didn’t notice anything but then again I usually closed my eyes and held my nose when I was changing that thing.

When we were cleaning up for Christmas, he looked at the Diaper Champ box on our couch and asked me if we had anyone to give it to.  “Are you serious?”, I asked.  “You said there was poop in there! Don’t you want the new one?”

Well, he couldn’t figure out what we would do with the old one and I told him anyone would take it, it was a Diaper Champ!  He thought I was crazy, but really people do buy them used! I think… Anyway, I gave the old one away to Goodwill and hubby put the new one up.

He put the newly redesigned Diaper Champ that we purchased in 2008 in our laundry room.  Wow, is it terrible!  The container is larger so the diapers fit in better but they get stuck! Everything gets stuck! We usually use it as a regular trash container for our dryer lint and miscellaneous items and with the new Champ it is constantly getting stuck. It seems to smell more as well.  I can’t believe how terrible it is, they need to go back to the old style immediately!

Whoever bought my old Diaper Champ from Goodwill is really getting a good (while poopy) deal! Luckily, we still had our old one in the baby room upstairs. Since we don’t change diapers in that room it was basically just sitting there unused. We usually walk all of our diapers downstairs anyway since G is usually sleeping at night when we want to throw them away.  We just switched them out and now have our older but better Diaper Champ in the laundry room.

So to people who are thinking of buying a new Diaper Champ? Beware. Just go with a regular old trashcan, you will probably be fine!

{ 1 comment }

1 Laundry Source January 28, 2010 at 8:49 am

I had the same problem with mine. I just gave it away and didn’t bother to replace it.
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