Last Published…

by Kristi on October 8, 2008 · 2 comments

A loooong time ago.

But I’m on Twitter! Tweet Tweet! Look to the right for my tweeeets and join, or follow me, blah blah. It’s so easy to twitter since I’m on my cell phone all day.

But anyway.

My COMPUTER, my NEW COMPUTER, is being set up tonight. But he had to leave because I didn’t have some sort of high dev monitor connection of some sort. He says he will come back tomorrow so I am stealing J’s computer. Good thing he’s not home!

Um, well, I am getting sleep? The past week or so has been glorious. Glorious when you compare it to the two PREVIOUS weeks of sleep I was getting. Which was so close to none. Or waking up every half an hour from kung foo baby who wouldn’t sleep in his crib at ALL, would only sleep next to me, or attached to my boob, and insisted on switching from boob to boob every half hour, or just plain KICKING ME. UGH. Along with him NOT going to sleep like he used to do. I was really going to die. Ok, not really. We all know I’m prone to exageration here. But last Tuesday (maybe?) I put him down and he would NOT go to sleep. Again. And I just didn’t care. I had been going to bed at 830 the night before with him geting up again at 9pm, and bed at 845 the night before that, etc. etc. So I just said goodnight.

That’s right, I went to bed. I told J he could have fun and I didn’t care. Bottles were downstairs if he cared but I was sleeping. After that night, things have been better. Last night he slept from 715 to 3am, and then got up this morning at 7!! Unheard of. It was great. I heard both him and Sam on the monitors chatting to themselves. Happy babies getting up, instead of screams? Awesome! (Sam started being happy in the mornings at 18 months, I am destined for unhappy morning babies I guess. Or hopefully now, not. Or something)

And I’m working out! YES! I lost… FOUR lbs last month. Yep, the cookie and coke diet continues to be AWESOME. Thank you very much. But I’m about 6lbs away from pre-baby weight and 25 away from what I would envision my perfect body type to be. LOL – And generall you don’t get that way just eating cookies and coke. (And everything else…) So yes the gym.

Except today I took Sam and when I walked in, she was playing by herself, which was fine. G was being held, which was great. (I think they pretty much always just hold the babies…) But I asked Sam how she liked it and she said, Yea! But they were mean! Who was mean? Boys were mean. With toys. Gah. Yes, I know I can’t protect her all the time but ick. Mean boys. She seemed to like it though. I’m still torn on this place.

On the other hand, I get some time to MYSELF to listen to music, read a book, watch the news, and improve my health. All which makes me a better Momma. So we shall continue to evaluate.

G is super cute. What a sweet sweet baby. We went to the KidsFaire last weekend, which was fun. At the end we were walking through the hall trying to leave and there was mass people everywhere, and we look down and G just had the BIGGEST smile on his face the whole way through. He was having a great time.

He ‘talks’ all the time now. Sam and I have the best conversation with him in the car lately.

“Ahhhh Wah!” “Ahhhhh Gah!”

Pretty funny.

Sam had her hearing test done last week which was great. We have her speech evaluation on Thursday morning which should be interesting. The hearing lady said she was going to recommend work on her articulation, which she could already tell that Sam had a little problem on. So that is exciting, I can’t wait to see what they do. The place we are going to is really nice! Super helpful stuff.

I’ve working on G’s naps. I’m trying to decide if I should cut out all of Sam’s programs that start around 10am so I can make sure he gets a good morning nap. He always gets a great afternoon nap (on me) but his morning nap, when we can get one at home, is usually in the crib and I think he sleeps better. And it helps him sleep better later. Yesterday he got a good nap, today he only got 45min cause Sam was home and playing, loudly, ugh. But he did get a 2nd nap and a LONG 3rd nap. We shall see if that helps his sleep any tonight.

I can’t remember anything else 🙂 Hopefully when I get my NEW COMPUTER set up, tomorrow, I can download all the pictures I have on my camera! I think there are 150 of them, but that is in the last month and a half, so that’s actually not that many. hehe – I end up taking a lot on my iPhone, I will have to download those too.

Will try to post more later… Two kids is kind of time consuming though 🙂 Who would have guessed that!?! But since I am getting SLEEP at night, that means I actually get time at night on my computer, which means more blatherings from ME!

That said, hmm, I will do another post on that really quick. 🙂


1 Kimberly October 9, 2008 at 6:04 am

It’s so much fun to read about what your son is doing now. It makes me look forward to the next few months of Abby’s development. Isn’t a baby’s laughter the best?! I find myself cracking up right along with her. If I am stressed about something, it always brings me into proper perspective. The simplicity we can learn from a child is so needed. We forget the older and more busy we get.

2 Kimberly October 9, 2008 at 6:09 am

What kind of camera do you have? I have an old digital camera that is ready to retire. David was going to give me one of his Nikon’s, which is really nice, but too big handle. I tried to explain to him that I carry way too much stuff as a mother and I didn’t need to lug around a huge camera. I am hoping for a smaller, more updated camera for Christmas. Let me know what works for you. Thanks.

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