Dr Appt – 37 Weeks

by Kristi on March 11, 2008 · 2 comments

So I had my 37 week appt last Tuesday with the nurse. She did an internal but I asked that we NOT do one this week and then do one the next week… Make sense? LOL

Anyway, I was negative for GBS, whew! I was negative last time but they didn’t have my records when we were in labor so I ended up fighting with the nurse to not do antibiotics ‘just in case’. hehe – So nice to know this time again that I’m definitely negative.

I was ‘halfway’ thinned out. Which I’m assuming means 50% effaced. Totally closed though.

So that is my seriously late dr appointment update. My next appointment is on Thursday but no internal, yipee.

What is funny is that I am totally starting to have contractions! Eek! Although I think it’s cause I’m not drinking enough water. Justin went to the Laker game yesterday (an Xmas gift) and after Sam got up from her nap I took her to the store and I swear, they were every 3 min. I was thinking, are these contractions? (It cracks me up that I still wonder these things after having a child.) But when the same pain comes over and over again every three minutes, um yep, that would be a contraction – whatever it feels like! I drank a bottle of water and they tapered off to every 10 min. It wasn’t long, maybe an hour and a half of contractions.

Then again, today after Sam’s nap I started having them AGAIN! Although they were pretty random. I was having waves of short pain every 30sec or minute for about 10 minutes and then randomly every 5-10 minutes. I started drinking my water bottle must faster this time. Although I had made sure to drink lots of water in the morning, I didn’t drink anything for about 3 or 4 hours…

I think my body is telling me by the afternoon that it is tired! I am VERY tired lately too. The past two nights I have been so exhausted yet not sleeping at all, tossing and turning, etc. Except tossing and turning doesn’t work very well. Someone said on my baby board that they wished someone had a huge spatula that could scoop you up and flip you.. and you know what, that is SUCH a good idea. 🙂 I think they would need a CRANE though. Jeez.

Side note: Apparently I say ‘JEEZ’ alllll the time because I have a little parrot who said JEEZ right back to me every day. AHHH! I hate this parrot phase of toddler-hood and we are not even completely in it. It just reminds me of how many freaking bad habits I have and what I am teaching my daughter – ahhhh!

Still so tired – I try to take naps too and can’t fall asleep. At least I am lying down, that is some kind of rest. Jeez. 🙂


1 DrewB March 11, 2008 at 4:43 pm

Oh Kristi. I feel your pain 🙁 I can’t decide if being super preggo or having a screaming newborn is worse 🙂 But, you’re almost there (I hated when people told me that!). Just hang in there and if you need pancakes let me know 🙂

2 Paige March 13, 2008 at 3:42 am

I can’t belive that your baby boy is almost here!!!!!!! Soooooo exciting!!!!! I hope I get to see you before you have your little guy. Sending you lots of love your way!

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