Blue Room Transition

by Kristi on March 1, 2008

OH my lord, J is in the blue room with Sam right now reading her stories in her NEW BED!!! We shall see how it goes…

Tonight at dinner I said, so are we going to try out the new bed tonight? And he said, sure let’s try it! It’s getting late, we better try now! So they played downstairs for awhile (J has been building a fort each night under our dining room table lately – lol) and then around 7:10, we headed upstairs!

Sam helped me move her MILLIONS and BILLIONS of stuffed animals to her room. Luckily, we really need the stuffed animals to put on each side of her bed where there are a few ‘holes’ so it’s niced and padded.

J got her ‘favorite’ books out of her huuuuge book collection. The rest will have to wait until I have her bookcase setup (oops). And then we did normal bathtime routine since it’s bath night tonight.

She seemed excited. She seemed even more excited about her nightlight when I plugged it in. haha – She kept turning on and off the light switch to see it come on.

I’ll keep you posted. 🙂

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