39 Weeks

by Kristi on March 20, 2008 · 2 comments

Whoa, 39 weeks today. I have a REALLY active guy in there tonight. He’s been kicking and punching all night. He’s been pretty subdued (comparatively) for the past two weeks, I thought he was running out of room but tonight, wow! Plus, lots of fun contractions the past week or two. Every time I get them I start sipping water and timing them. 🙂 Usually they don’t last longer than 45min or an hour. Tonight I have had weird ones, I’m not even sure if they are contractions or not just lots of pressure, kicks, and my stomach tightens up. The reason I’m not sure is because of the kicks and moving around he is doing at the same time. Weird, that.

Dr appt tomorrow, early, hopefully it won’t take forever. She will check me this time! Last time, two weeks ago I was 50% effaced. This time I’m thinking I will be 70% effaced and 1 dilated. Just my psychic powers at work here.

I figured out how to email posts into my blog so I will be able to update via iPhone in the future! Mwuhahahaha…. I know all of you are looking forward to minute by minute drug induced ramblings from me during labour… Heehee.

I’m still predicting a March 28th due date, or possibly even April 1st. 🙂 I guess we will get a little glimpse into the future tomorrow.



1 Jamie B March 20, 2008 at 5:19 pm

I can’t wait for the up to the minute play by play! Who would expect anything else from you. 🙂 What else is there to do while your laboring with drugs anyways! HEHE Awww…. got to love those drugs!

Good Luck tomorrow!!! If you can hold off until April 1st…. lucky you the baby will have a diamond birthstone!! 🙂

Can’t wait to see the first photos!!

2 Kristina March 20, 2008 at 9:59 pm


Yes, the cool thing about an April baby is that if (when) I get any ‘mother’ jewerly (which I totally will at some point in my life!!) *I* would get the diamond cause I’m sure he won’t care! haha!!

So materialistic, *tisk* *tisk* but my birthday is in April so I already reap the diamond benefit anyway, heehee. Also, diamond does go better with Topaz (Sam’s birthstone). Rather than Topaz and Aquamarine which it would be if born in March. See, I’ve already thought of this!

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