
by Kristi on January 26, 2008 · 1 comment

OMG, there is a post on my baby board about her older daughter stealing a Nintendo DS and what to do about it, etc. etc. There are such GOOD posts from people who have already been through the same thing. One that I just read though really hit home, especially about her gift part!! I’m just going to quote it here…

“This is how I would handle it….. I would get my daughters piggy bank (without her knowing) and we would go to the store I would let her pick out any toy within her piggy bank money range (within reason) something she would want for herself when she decides what she wants we would go to register pull out her piggy bank so she knows she is using her own money. Then when we got to the car I would explain we are taking her new toy to the other little girl and she will personally apologise to her and her Mommy that she took her toy and that she will give her the other toy as a Apology gift.

Now that is what I would do. Last Christmas I bought my daughter a really pretty baby doll looks like a real baby had diapers a bottle a pacifier and clothes That thing costed me 65$ and she didn’t like it. Seriously she hated it she threw it, I was so mad I thought for days what to do Finally I decided I would show her how spoiled she is we packed it up and went to the local shopping center. I told her to pick a little girl about her own age and we drove in circles for a few minutes till she spotted one. I pulled over and had her march her hind end over to the little girl and ask her if she wanted it. The other little girl was so happy and the Mom looked at me with that are you sure look and I said yes life lesson and left it at that. That little girl hopped away like it made her day, My daughter got to see how it tickled the other girl. and I knew someone would appreciate it. “

That kills me! So appropriate! I can just imagine it. How will I know to do these things when it happens to me? I was a spoiled little brat too, my Mommy always used to buy me clothes alllll the time. For little special occasions or just because. There would be cute outfits waiting on my bed all the time at home. One time, and seriously I was old enough to know better, it was something like leggings and I remember whining about how horrible leggings are and they made me look sooooo fat. What an ungrateful child! I think my Mom just said fine, if you don’t like it, I won’t buy you things again! Or maybe she didn’t say anything, I don’t remember, but that was the end of the cute outfits appearing! Appropriate for a whiny child!

It scares me that I will have to deal with these things. LOL – I feel so unprepared.

{ 1 comment }

1 Paige January 26, 2008 at 4:12 am

that is great! Like you I get scared that I won’t know what to do when the time comes to really teach them these important life lessons, but I think we will figure it out. My one thing that I never want me kids to be are ungrateful or bratty, so I work really hard to make sure they aren’t, but unfortuanally it’s inevitable, all kids no matter what have a little brattiness in them, it’s just a part of growing up, as long as they grow out of it and don’t become bratty adults, I think everything will be okay.

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