Marvin Twins – Small Update…

by Kristi on November 11, 2007 · 1 comment

Nothing was happening after my nice and relaxing (sadly short) nap. Brooke called and we chatted. I was JUST walking down the stairs with Sam as the phone rang and I didn’t see any texts as I was answering… So I told her I didn’t have any news but that I would probably call the hospital to chat up the nurses around six. That was at 3:30.

Well, around 4:30 I decided that I should just call the hospital anyway. 🙂 They told me what room she was in and I asked a little more and she transfered me to the nurses station. They asked if I wanted to be transfered to the room and I was like NO WAY. I don’t want to disturb her! LOL – What if she was in some critical moment? Yikes. Anyway, the nurse wouldn’t (couldn’t) tell me anything. So I called Brooke back and told her. She said she had talked to Krysta this morning when the Dr said she was dialated to a 2 and wouldn’t give her an epidural yet. SUCKY!

So I decided that I would probably go down to the hospital around 7pm tonight to get SOME kind of an update and talk to her family, bring some cookies, I dunno. So I decided to call Krysta’s phone and leave a message… But then she answered!!!

She got her epidural about an hour ago (so 3:30) and they hadn’t checked her in awhile cause it hurt like hell, I’m sure. They were going to check her after the epi was in, so hopefully soon. She sounded exhausted but hopefully a little happy that the epidural was in. 🙂 I told her I would stop by around 7pm to say hi if she was available or just chat with her family for a bit.

She said the nurses thought they would come out around midnight but Krysta thought things might happen sooner than that. Hopefully for her sake, they would!

I’ll update again later!

{ 1 comment }

1 Jamie B November 11, 2007 at 3:55 am

Thanks for the updates Kristi!! Every time I turn the computer on I immediately check your site to see if there are any updates. Keep them coming and send my wishes to Krysta for a healthy delivery and a fast recovery!!!

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