WaterWorks Swimming in Irvine, California

by Kristi on June 27, 2007 · 2 comments

Whew, what a busy girlies we are. It really sucks actually, I think I’m getting carpal tunnel syndrom. Or something. My wrists hurt really bad. It’s to the point where I have to type conciously with my wrists higher than my fingers. It also bugs at night when I’m sleeping and fold my hands under my cheek. I have to unfold them and let them lay straight so they don’t ache. Obviously, I need to go high tech and get a headset and talk so the computer writes the words. 🙂 Wouldn’t THAT be nice???

So this morning we went to the bagel shop and got a bagel and smoothie for breakfast and went to Gymboree. It was a busy Tuesday morning and we saw some old friends. As I was driving home I called WaterWorks in Irvine as I knew they had Tuesday afternoon classes. Yesterday their phones were out of order but I really wanted to go TODAY. I had been thinking about these classes for three weeks and I didn’t want to put it off any longer. We got all signed up for the 1:20 class and Sam fell asleep in the car.
I put her to bed and checked my email and got a few things organized. I’m on a spam kick and deleting all my subscriptions from shopping networks that come in all day. I think I’m doing a good job because usually every morning I have 40-50 emails in my box and this morning I had 22. Yipee! I got Sam up after an hour (she had a night-waking at 2am this morning, ugh) gave her a bottle and then got my swim suit on. We went down and had lunch even though Justin hadn’t come home yet. He got home around 1225, right before we left. I had to be there early to sign in. We jumped in the car and headed off.

The facility is really nice. It’s very welcoming when you go in, you sign in via a credit card thingie they give you, and there is a nice viewing lounge to the ‘indoor’ pool. I say indoor as it’s covered by a huge tent so technically it’s indoors. Then, there is another huge pool ‘outdoors’ with diving boards and such. The bathrooms are okay, honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking when I left my house. Usually my diaper bag is ALWAYS in the car but since we went to San Diego last weekend it was sitting on the kitchen table. So as I looking around at where to change Sam, I realized I didn’t have my changing pad OR any diapers. haha – Until I remembered I just bought some at Target on Monday, yay for my lazy self on not unloading them out of the car, yea!!

As I walked out, my Mom walked in so I was able to pass Sam off to her and run to get a diaper. My Mom was nearby and wanted to check Sam’s first swim class out. She took some cute pictures, referenced above. 🙂
Our first class was okay. Even thought I got their super early, I felt a little rushed. They didn’t tell me that I could get in the pool so I was waiting for our instructor. All at once, the class seemed to materialize in the pool and start the lesson while I then rushed to get in and get Sam acclimated.
Our instructors name is Louisa and she was very friendly. They do some cute circling songs to get the kids happy, practice climbing out of the pool, sitting on the side, and jumping back in the water. Also, walking on a big foam piece and jumping in your arms. Needless to say, Sam screamed through pretty much the whole thing. 🙂 My Mom left after a few minutes because Sam was just pointing her fingers at her and saying ‘all done’ and was just hoping to get rescued. haha 🙂 She really hates new things! Instead of doing any of the activities I was mainly swirling her around in the water and telling her to splash. She finally calmed down a bit at the end and gave Louisa ‘five’ and said bye. It was at that point I learned that you can go in five minutes early and get them used to the water and ready to go. I think that will really help next time!
All in all, the place was really nice! The people were very friendly. Hopefully next time I will be a lot more prepared so it will go more smoothly. I’m sure Sam will acclimate herself. She always needs a little extra time to ease into things. Because of that, I’ve signed us up for Tuesday and Friday afternoons.
We also have four free art classes that we’ve started on Friday mornings. She was more interested in sitting in every chair in the classroom but hopefully we will make progress. 🙂
More later,


1 Jamie July 2, 2007 at 10:22 pm

YEAH!!!!!!!! Are you guys liking it overall?? Everytime we are at the pool I have parents asking me where we take him for swimming lessons cause they can’t believe he is doing the things he is doing at 21 months!!

2 Kristina July 2, 2007 at 10:55 pm

She did 100% better on Friday than on Tuesday! We still have a long way to go but at least she’s not clinging to me still… haha 🙂 yea, I think it’s crazy that he jumps in the pool from your pictures!!! Sam probably won’t do that for another YEAR but she’s a little more timid and girlygirl. heehee

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