
by Kristi on May 12, 2007 · 2 comments

I just have to say that Grey’s Anatomy, ROCKED. It felt like it was a different director or something because it was so sad, and just crazy. I don’t really LIKE where they are going for the season finale next week but at the same time, I really do!!!! It’s just gonna be a train wreck that we have to wait four months to see the outcome. Totally sucky.

Oh, and Lost? That show drives me batty! It is SO STRANGE. Why do I keep watching it? I really need to boycott. I wish they would stick with a plot and GO WITH IT.

The season finale of Survivor is on Sunday too. That is a great show. I have to figure out if the season finale of DH and Brother’s & Sisters is on as well. Somethings gonna have to be moved around since we can’t DVR both shows at once! hehe!

So… Sammie can ‘roar’ like a lion now. It’s the cutest thing. She runs up to her lion on her bedroom wall and goes ‘roooooaaar’. We are teaching her mooo, quack, and hisssss… She already knows ‘ruf ruf’ and ‘meow meow’ she has had down for a looong time. She’s a crazy girl. I dearly hope she sleeps through the night tonight. I can’t take it anymore. As soon as Justin is leaving on his work trip we are making some CHANGES! Cause these 2am wakings are COMPLETELY NOT COOL.

Any advice for me??? The past week I just give her a bottle and if she doesn’t close her eyes and go to sleep in my arms, she struggles to get up and I start mindlessly telling some (dumb) story with no point or ending for about 5 minutes until she does go to sleep. If someone told me stories like that, I would be down in 5 seconds flat they are so stupid and lame. I really can’t handle watching Sesame Street though and this is much quicker. So I sound lame and hope Justin’s not recording me through the baby monitor.

I think I have to start trying to make a bottle with less and less milk in it each night for the next two weeks. And if it continues, then give a bottle of water instead. Water is very boring compared to milk (so I’m told). Well, I guess I do know that. Anyway. Or, I can try the CIO, hell no, get your ass back to bed, close your eyes, and pleeeeease be quiet method. That’s kinda mean though, huh? I’ve done it before and it’s worked. Although obviously not for long since here we are yet again. She just cries with her eyes closed, lying down, anyway. You would think she is having some type of nightmare. Well, maybe she is. Yikes.

See, all these options are bad but seriously, it is not a good idea to have a kranky Kristi! Not good at all! It’s even WORSE than a cranky Sammie.

The other option here is no nap. No nap and the girl sleeps like the dead. But she totally NEEDS a nap. So, I can try 45 min nap. And then she may/usually sleeps through the night. But she is still tired! How do I know when to get her up? She could sleep until 745 (instead of 7) and at which point I have a waking kid at night again cause she seems to have some crazy internal clock.

This internal clock seems to tell her NO MORE SLEEP after 12 hours in a 24 hour period. So I can be a slave to this clock… or we can teach her that it’s ok to lie quietly in your bed and go back to sleep at 2am!!!

Which option is better? Who is in charge here?

Obviously Sammie is in charge, duh. Thanks for that. But I’m hoping we can change it around.

Gah. It’s not that bad. But honestly I feel a little crazed that early in the morning YET AGAIN each freaking night.

We are going to the Santa Ana zoo tomorrow. Yipee! It looks like it has a much bigger petting zoo than the Irvine park (which was really small) so hopefully Sam will LOVE IT!

Mother’s Day will leave us with lunch at Mom’s and taking Sharon out to dinner. Fun fun fun!



1 Paige May 12, 2007 at 7:22 pm

Okay so here’s my advice for trying to get a kid to sleep: Stick with the naps! It’s worse having a cranky baby. I would stop giving here milk at night, when she wakes up just go in a rub her back, but don’t pick her up, she will cry and scream, but we had to do this with Kara and it worked. It took about 3 nights and then she just stoped, every now and then she still will wake up and call for me, and I go in a rub her back and she goes back to sleep. I hope this helps! Cranky babies are bad but cranky mommies are way worse!!!

2 Kristina May 14, 2007 at 3:22 am

Thanks P! When we gonna get together again?? 🙂 I think I do have to start the rub/pat thing. She gets SO worked up when I go in there though so I may just do it once and then let her CIO. It has worked before, we would just turn another corner and it would somehow pop up again and I would feed her once… and now we are in a habbit. hehe 🙂 THANKS for the thoughts though!!! Last night she did indeed get up but she was so tired, her eyes were closed as we walked around the house to get her bottle. I only filled it 6oz, she drank two, and turned over and passed out. Blah

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