Sunday Sillies

by Kristi on September 10, 2006

Ahh, today was a lazy day.

Sam got up at 11:45 LAST night after going down at 815. (Bathtime starts at 730 but it can take her awhile to go down – hence the drunk baby thing.) I got her up and arranged her blankets all nicely intending on putting her back after I fed her to sleep again. Alas, I fell asleep and she snuggled with me allllll night long, waking up 4 or 5 times to cry and I would shove a boob in her mouth. 🙂 Yum.

Also, I am NOT a snuggler. Having a tiny baby (ok, 18 lbs baby) snuggle next to you is SO ANNOYING. I hate it!!! Everytime I move she starts to stir so I have to hold myself so still and quiet so she keeps sleeping. She slept in (after all the various boob feedings) until 745. Usually Sunday is the day I push her over to J and pretend to sleep so he will get up with her and take her out of the room (no baby babble) so I can actually go back to sleep… but this morning I was pretty awake so I got up and took her downstairs instead.

I taped Sesame Street on DVR for the first time and she actually watched it a little bit! That little Elmo voice is compelling, I admit. She played pretty well by herself for almost an hour while I vegged on the couch reading a book and watching her.

We then had lunch and did our weekly grocery store thang.

Nicole & Mike came over after that. I’ll admit I thought they were coming over to show off an engagement ring 🙂 (Nicole, I feel safe in talking about this as I highly doubt he’s going to read it!! Not that I’m saying anything bad but…) but no ring was on her finger. Although, they freely admitted that they were going over to her Mom’s house to get her Grandmother’s ring as a temporary engagment ring. (Don’t ask, it’s a long story and if Nicole HAD a blog I’m sure you could get all the deets but I’m definitely not going to go into it here!) So that was nice to hear about a temp engagment ring. I’m not actually sure what that means though. But we know it’s coming… so that is exciting. They got to see Sammy before she had her nap and she was very happy today. She actually walked on her walker across the room for the first time, so that was exciting. We all clapped for her. 🙂

After they left I tried to feed Sam to sleep as it was 3pm… and I didn’t want her to sleep after 4… then I have a drunk baby at night. That didn’t work. So we got in the car and went to Golden Spoon. J came along. She started to fall asleep but it didn’t quite work so we dropped J off with the yummies and we went around a nice loop of Yorba Linda for another 10 minutes until I was safely allowed to deposit her in her crib.

She is sleeping now and i’m almost tempted to wake her up…. but I won’t.

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