9 Months Old!

by Kristi on September 10, 2006

Today is Sam’s 9 month-day! 🙂 Time is continuing to fly by.

We had her doctor appt yesterday.

Weight: 18.4
Height: 27 1/2

Continuing to be 50% for weight and 40% for height.


Birth: 7.1 lbs, 20 in
2 Month: 10.6, 22 1/4 in
4 Month: 13.6, 24 in
6 Month: 15.9, 25 1/2 in
9 Month: 18.4, 27 1/2 in

She is continuing to crawl around pretty fast and cruise off of her toys, our hands, and the furniture. She almost has clapping down. When she gets excited she starts slamming her hands down on her legs and tries to clap, but ends up just criss-crossing her hands. It’s pretty funny.

Today she did a funny thing. We got her a walker that turns into a seated car. Everytime we try to ‘walk’ her around on it, she wants to sit down on the floor and play with the gadgets, so we turn it into the car portion and ‘vvvrrrrrooooom’ her around the living room floor. Well, it’s a car so it has a horn. She likes to honk the horn. It goes ‘beep… beep… beeeeeep’. And if you press it three times it then plays the horsey song (da da dumb, da da dumb, da da dumb dumb dumb) that they play in all the old western movies. She starts bouncing up and down like she’s dancing to the music. It’s SO funny. She honks on that horn about 12 million times.

The thing she does more though is read the touch ‘n feel, Peek a Boo book. Man, she loves that thing. It has the pictures of the animals with some soft fuzzy furry stuff on them so she can touch it. The second to last page has a mouse and when you press it, it squeaks. The last page it opens up to a mirror to Peekaboo to YOU… The book is short, so that is nice. She used to touch the fuzzy stuff but now she leans down to eat it or lick it, or something… So, as we go through this book “Peekaboo, I see…” flip the page open “Fuzzy Kitten Kisses!” “Peekaboo, I see” flip… “Furry Puppy Kisses!” blah blah blah blah blah, then you get to “Peekaboo, I see…” wait for it, wait for it, flip the page “SQUEAKY MOUSE KISSES!!!!!” and you squeak the squeaker and MAN she giggles. She laughs and looks up at me, like WOW, Mom, it’s squeaking!! How cool is that? Then, you do the mirror one and play peekaboo in the mirror with her and she bangs on the mirror. Who is that pretty baby looking at me? Anyway, it’s gotten to the point where we don’t even need that darn book to make her laugh. All you do is recite it and when you get to the mouse part you say SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK really loud and she cracks up.

Well, as today is her 9 monther, it’s my month long weight loss date as well. Thanks to the lovely food posioning last weekend I lost three pounds but I gained back one by this morning so I have lost TWO pounds this month!! Woohoo! Stroller Strides is opening up here this month by a mom from our playgroup and we are going to start that so hopefully this nice little trend will continue. I want to loose another 5 pounds by our Hawaii trip. Even though I haven’t been this low for, oh, four years? I’m still wearing the same clothes. My body is so wacked from pregnancy. Last time I was at this weight I was fitting into really skinny clothes and that’s no-go right now. I’m still nursing though so I know that makes a difference. I’m very glad I have reached 9 months for nursing so far! I hope to go 12, so that way I can simply transition Sam to a sippy cup with whole milk. That would be the easiest thing.

We both had a busy day today. Justin and I saw The Illusionist which was ok. Really, it was better than a lot of other ones we have seen lately but the ending was disapointing. I feel like I expect more from movies these days. Not sure why.

Sam went to Gymboree with Grandma J and then went home with her to have some fun. We picked her up and went home to have some dinner. Luckily she went down without to much trouble tonight. Lately she’s been doing her ‘drunk baby’ routine at night, driving me crazy. I wish I could video it, she’s hilarious. I will describe her at a later date. 🙂 It deserves it’s own blog post!


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