Prompt 82

by Kristi on November 5, 2023

As I was sifting throughs some of my older blog posts – for whatever reason – I found a link to an old PromptTuesday and it made me nostalgic.

Writing is so difficult and challenging yet it’s fun, helps my brain, and I love it. I hate reading what I write but I like writing.

I grabbed an online number picker, it gave me #82, and I went to SDM’s old website and grabbed her prompt and set my timer for 10 minutes.

Here we go…

For this week’s PROMPTuesday, write your own horoscope. Make it reflect your hopes and dreams, or go 180 and David Lynch with it.

Good morning, Aries. It’s Monday and you are well rested after taking the weekend to get better. Your week ahead is exciting filled with deadlines, presentations, and fulfilling connections that are waiting to be experienced.

Be present and sharp with what’s coming ahead. Think about other people in your life and what they need and see how that aligns with your goals. Work smarter to get your to-do list crossed off and be ahead of the game.

Don’t let your impulsive and impatient nature get you off track from where you are heading. You are still making excellent progress but it’s easy to wander off the path.

Be empathetic but remind yourself of your boundaries and continue prioritizing your physical and mental well-being.


I hate it but I love it… Hitting post for now. Hope to do this weekly, we shall see. I can go hunt down a random prompt but it would be nicer to go subscribe to something that kicks me when I need to just do it.

It makes me think fondly of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but no, I will not get sucked down that path right now. That’s a goal for another future year.

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