
by Kristi on October 2, 2023

Yes, I am competitive. In this case, with myself? So…

That’s okay. Right? Right.

It would be so lovely to know multiple languages. I greatly admire people who can speak in multiple languages. It is an amazing skill and so incredibly hard to do. I started with Duolingo back… well, 600 days ago at least!

I was going for Spanish because at the time, everyone around my desk spoke it and I really wanted to be able to be more proficient in it.

About 6 months ago, we officially started planning our France trip next year so I switched over to French. Ooh, la la. My two years of high school French have been quite helpful.

Also, the verbs seem… easier…? in French? Maybe I remember more? I’m honestly not sure.

But yayyyy, 600 days! I spend around 10-15 minutes a day, usually while I’m working out on the elliptical machine – yayyy multi-tasking! So I’m pretty happy with that.

I actually have been toying with hiring a tutor, or at least someone to meet me periodically for an hour and talk French with. I haven’t managed to pull the trigger on that. I’m not sure if I’m nervous or just too occupied with the 50 other things I threw myself into recently.

Additionally, I started meditation through the Calm ap back in March. This is my longest streak so far. I’m very proud of doing it because I really love the ten minutes I spend with Jeff Warren every day.

He’s just so dang soothing. Which, I guess is the point. August and September have been a struggle, that’s for sure.

I have a few other things that I have been doing on a daily basis that I DO NOT have a beautiful ap to give me cookies and pat me on the back for a job well done.

And I feel like pouting a little about that.

Is it worth it to keep doing them if I don’t get a certificate!?

Totally kidding.

Kind of.

I feel like listing them out here but maybe I’ll be quietly proud of myself for doing them and shut up.

Kind of like what I’m doing with this blog right now. Exploring and having fun with it.

The thing I do like about sharing my accomplishments is that invariably someone will tell me that they decided to start working on a similar thing. So that’s what keeps me sharing. If I can help influence someone to take the first step forward on something they’ve been thinking about doing, that makes me so happy.

Maybe I should make those French lessons…

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