Strength training

by Kristi on September 16, 2023

Over the years many people talked about the wonders of weight lifting. I complained about it. Said no way. I didn’t have anything against weight training, per say, it just seemed like a waste of time and just really hard to do.

I didn’t know how to properly lift weights. I wasn’t sure how many reps to do. It’s hard to get the motivation to just do it myself.

A very long time ago, I used to do weights (and cardio!) at 24 Hour Fitness but I was in a workout group and someone was telling me what to do every time. So that was helpful but I ended up stopping… I actually don’t remember why.

But for years, I’ve been an avid Precor elliptical girl every morning. 30-35 minutes at the highest incline and level 7 for averaging around 110 bpb or pushing up to level 8 for an intense sweat to exhaust me. It has been my “sanity” workout for as long as I can remember.

If I get my cardio in, I get my workout done for the day, and I feel slightly more sane.

About a year ago I started adding in pushups and a few minutes of stretching. The stretching was important because as I get OLDER my body is definitely feeling it. Adding in a very few specific stretches felt helpful so I continued it.

The last few months I kept having conversations with multiple different people who were doing strength workouts. One of them was my step-mom who has a Peloton subscription. She had an extra family login and signed me up so I could try it.

I TOTALLY get it now. Yes, having someone jabber at you with good music and show you exactly what to do, is incredibly helpful! I started trying out different workouts every day and enjoying all the trainer personalities at Peloton. Callie, Rod, Ben, Marcus… I even got my 15yo into the core classes, he was loving it. Until he went into tech week for his play…

I saw my cousin a few weeks ago and she recommended A Stronger You with British Ben, and I started it up… It was very empowering and awesome.

I got two weeks in before getting Covid and I’m sad my streak is over. But it’s been almost two weeks of my “break” now and I did a 10 minute stretch after the Precor this morning. I’m debating whether to jump back into the Stronger You program (probably a mistake), start it over (ugh), or just go back to the individual programs.

I’ll probably start off a few individuals and then get back to the Stronger program.

It really makes me feel good though. Cycling through the full body workout, arms, and legs (plus core!) is a good feeling. It’s just difficult adding yet another thing into my daily routine but…

It’s worth it! (I keep telling myself…)

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