Gobble Gobble

by Kristi on November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a beautiful day it was too. I got up a little early (blah) but then played with the kids a bit which was great. Called some family members and had nice chats with them and then got my turkey ready! This was the first year that I bought the turkey, got it ready, stuck it in the oven, agonized over it, and pulled it out. (Okay, the husband did that!) It was good! I said NO BUTTERBALL this year because of the crap they stick in it… and went with a free range turkey from a yummy butcher in Fullerton.

We all agreed that we could taste less butter but that it was delicious… however the boys said that the gravy was ‘different’ which we assumed that it was because the drippings were less. Oh well, everyone is a critic. 🙂 I didn’t make the gravy actually, my wonderful MIL did! She brought up pies, waldorf salad, and made the stuffing! She pretty much did everything but I am slowly taking away some of her duties as I NEED to learn how to make Thanksgiving the way my husband likes it… cause otherwise I would hear ‘but my MOTHER does it THIS way!’ (haha – Okay, it would be teasing but still… these boys like their traditions!)

Now I’m doing a little shopping with my fingers which is always fun. Hope everyone had a lovely day!

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