Worst Night…

by Kristi on December 22, 2007

Is there some Mommy (maybe parent?) syndrome that makes you forget all the long hard nights you paced the floors with your little ones? Honestly, I don’t remember that hard of a night with Sam. Sure, she hasn’t reliably slept through the night since she was born but it’s usually a matter of getting a bottle, shoving it in her mouth, and rocking her back to a quiet place. But last night sucked. 🙂

I have to preface this with we are COMPLETELY SICK in this house. All three of us. And it hit all three of us at generally the same time.

I’m laughing while writing this post though because this week has literally been one of the greatest weeks in the year! So many fabulous things happened this week so it’s not that bad that we are all sick, even if it is Christmas, because I’m feeling great.

But it’s really humerous how our night was last night, so I will continue for the humor of it. 🙂

Thursday night, I got completely ill. The cold came and attacked me from all sides. I was sneezing, dripping, itchy throat, all that jazz. So I felt like CRAP going to bed, but I took Sudafed (the kind I can take) and it dried me out at night to sleep. Early Friday morning started off with Turbo throwing up in the middle of the night. Justin got up to clean it up, in the process waking up Sam at whatever time it was. 3am? Since he had just gotten up to clean the throwup, I got up to take care of Sam. Bottle, bed. Whatever.

Friday morning, Justin left for work (after I slept in until Sam did) and then Turbo threw up again. I dragged him to the tile, thank god, but in the process got to watch the whole throwing up process… Which made ME run to the bathroom to dry heave and throw up some water. Joy. Of course, Turbo through up AGAIN on the carpet. What is wrong with the tile? 60% of our house is in tile, why can’t these cats and dogs freaking do their business there? UGH. So that was my joyful morning, in which case I took it easy all of Friday at stayed at home (generally), make some Christmas cookies (did not breathe on them, I swear), and relaxed. Sam started to sneeze a million times and the snot started running down her nose. Fun. Plus, the past three days Sam has only taken a one hour nap. *sob* So I had her marked for an early bedtime.

So Friday evening, the early bedtime did not work. Partly because I was making cookies and brownies and cupcakes and things and she wanted to EAT THE COO-COOs. LOL – So, eek, I think she had a sugar high. I try to go up at 8pm but it ends up 815. We read stories in our bed (new – I wanted to lie down) so we read a few more than usual. Then, she wanted milk again so I think it was 9pm before she went down.

10pm – Big cries upstairs. I’m technically finishing up downstairs because I really wanted to lie down too. So I’m halfway ready for bed and I just grab her and roll into our bed and she goes back down. I pretty much get comfy but the next hour and a half are filled with her fitful sleeping.

11:30pm – I wake up to realize all the lights were off. I had left them on for Justin. The clock is out too. Joyful. The power was supposed to be out during the day on Friday (it wasn’t – I was grateful) but it looks like they moved it to the evening instead! Or it could have been the wind. Anyway, I woke up because Sam was crying and kicking me and she didn’t go back down, she got up and was screaming. Justin came up with a flashlight at that point. Did I give her medicine? Well no. You mean the medicine that has been recalled off all the shelfs (baby tylenol, etc) but we still had in our cabinet? Nope. Good idea though, where is it? LOL – (It was recalled for a safe reason, technically, not gonna get into the details here but no worries, we weren’t harming her!)

The next two hours were such a joyful time of reading to Sam, going back and forth between her crib and our bed trying to convince her to go down. I told Justin to just put her in the crib crying, she would go down in 5 min but he didn’t want to do that. Nice Papa. I guess. I was in bed. Of course, I was in bed listening to her cry (with him), talk, sing, read stories, and all sorts of crap. Anyway, she wanted milk. But there was no power so we gave her the cold sippy cup. She didn’t want that.

The light bulb came on at 115am that we didn’t need a microwave to heat up milk. You would think I remembered this from the whole first year of her birth when I refused to microwave any formula we gave her because it would burn all the nutrients. (I’m not gonna be so fussy with Griffin, I think 🙂 So, yea, that bright light came on and Justin heard me go downstairs so he took her with him to play with some toys. 15 min later, we had a warm bottle and Sam ran towards me to take it.

330am (4am??) – I have no idea. Cries from her bedroom. I went in and grabbed her and rolled her back in our bed. She was cry-sleeping again, probably waking herself up from all the snot. Back in bed with us. Crying every half hour, moving around, and kicking us.

530am? Big cries and trying to get up. Justin rolled her into his arms and got her back down. It was a fitful two more hours of stroking her back and getting her to sleep. Being VERY QUIET when we wanted to move around to a more comfortable position.

What a fun night. 🙂 I’m glad it’s over! But I’m soooo tired! And we have a family gathering today that Sam is definitely missing with the snot rolling out of her nose. Hopefully I can go, we shall see.

Merry Christmas everyone! LOL

See, it was kinda humerous! You got a good laugh, didn’t you? Krysta’s now wondering if her memories of these nights will fade. Yes, yes, they will. That’s why you gotta write them down. haha

Other than that, I’m happy happy happy, what a wonderful season it is!

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