What Week Am I?

by Kristi on December 5, 2007

Last night we were getting ready for bed and Justin said, you are starting to look pregnant! and put his hand on my tummy really quick and could have SWORN he felt Oreo. Eh, I didn’t feel anything but he says he is certain. 🙂 (He felt his first kick a few weeks ago in Vegas so this wouldn’t have been the first one.) He said a few weeks ago that this would start to feel ‘real’ and happening soon when I ‘started’ to look pregnant. I just looked at him and said THANKS. Cause, you know, obviously he was calling me fat. heehee

So we are arguing about what he felt and to needle him a bit more I asked him, what week am I? *evil grin* hahahaha – Poor clueless husband. He got a quick look of panic on his face and started mumbling to himself about the month, the day, my duedate, etc. And he said, well you must be between 16-20 weeks.

Um, sorry, nope! I had to clue him in. And he was a little shocked that we were at 24 weeks!

Then I asked him when my due date was.

hahahaha – He tried to cover for himself and say the last week of March, how am I supposed to keep track of your due dates, they keep changing! Um, no they do not. I have one due date which is March 26th. I did not insist on keeping my ‘conception’ date this time like I did with Sam but the ultrasound dated me for April 1st but said that it will not change my due date because these things vary. My conception date would be around April 1st actually because I always ovulate around cd20 or cd21 instead of cd14 like a ‘regular’ month. Yes, way to much information I’m sure. Anyone wondering about what the heck I’m talking about should read this book.

His downfall was ‘your due date keeps changing, March 22nd, March 26th, how am I supposed to keep track of these things!?!?’ Well, March 22nd has never been mentioned. 🙂 And he didn’t mention April 1st which could have slightly let him off the hook. We’ve (meaning my Mom and some other Williams family) have talked about how cool it would be to have Oreo born on March 24th which was my Grandma’s birthday, and incidentally my Mom’s marriage anniversary to John as they married two years (I think) after her death. But March 22nd was never mentioned. Poor clueless, husband.

I knew he didn’t really KNOW the exact date or which week I was in but is pretty clued in to other things (and I’m not upset about it) but I got to hassle him anyway and that is the fun part.

Thursday is my next Dr appt and hopefully the Dr will be in and we can get an ULTRASOUND! She has one in her office. They said I could have gotten one last time but she was on her maternity leave. They said she would be back in for this visit! Let’s hope! I feel kinda bad as I just made my next appointment with my old Dr whom I just got on my new insurance for. I’m overlapping for the month of December but I won’t be going back to this Dr. I’m awful to take advantage of her ultrasound machine but really, can you blame me? I know my old Dr won’t let me in to her ultrasound machine as they have a special technician who only comes in once or twice a week. Maybe she might since I’m coming in late to her practice late but highly doubtful.

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