It’s a Close Call…

by Kristi on December 30, 2007

What is worse? The bad night where the power was out with a sick child…

Or the night you stay up until 1:30am playing poker at your relatives house out of state, trusting in the fact that your daughter has been run up and down the house by her aunts & uncles (ages: 3, 5 and 5) alllll day long with shorter nap than usual and she should sleep through the night. Especially since the night before she got up at 5:15am and went back down in your bed with a bottle until 7:45am. Your tiny bed, all three of you…

So, was that previous night bad… or would the clear winner now be your dear daughter getting up at 4:45am (after short cries on and off for an hour before), not going down with a bottle in her packnplay, not going down with another bottle in your bed, not dosing off watching our mini DVD player in bed for over an hour while we were delerious, and DEFINITELY not sleeping when we discovered that she leaked her diaper all over the bed from all that milk and it soaked the sheets into the mattress, forcing us to move downstairs and disturb my brother who was sleeping on the floor of the living room. Plus, the fact that she didn’t want to go back to sleep was because she was crying for “Kar…”, her auntie Kara, whom she wanted to play with. She didn’t like the answer that Kara was sleeping.

Ick. I’m voting for this last night cause I’m pretty freaking tired. And preggo. And starting to feel so FREAKING uncomfortable, huge, and preggo that… it just makes everything worse. 🙂 Ahh, the third trimester.

Sweetly, dear dear hubby got 5 hours of sleep during a nap today while dear dear moi got less than 2 cause apparently Sammie doesn’t like sleeping in the pack n play all that much. We shall see how tonight goes, I suppose. Hubby is now playing poker yet again, hopefully he doesn’t stay up to late cause it’s TOTALLY my turn to sleep!!

It makes it hard cause when she turns around in bed, the bed crinkles… and when we turn around in our bed, the bed crinkles too. And I can NOT stay in one position, it’s killing me. Especially without my body pillow, boo. If she doesn’t sleep tonight again (or we can’t get her back down when she wakes up), she is going in Kara’s room all alone and Kara can sleep with theboys. Actually she is doing that tonight but Sam is already asleep, so anyway..

We are having a great time though! We are actually dreading the day we leave and Sam realizes she won’t have her aunt and uncles to play with all day. They sure come in handy. 🙂

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