Erg, Arg…

by Kristi on April 1, 2007

Did anyone remember after each Buffy TV show ended the credits would roll and the producer signoff would run? It was a little monster going, “Erg… Arg…”

I always liked that little monster.

So yea, feel like TOTAL crap. Coughing, achey, blah. Sammie is wheezing and coughing too. Luckily she slept through the night (Friday night she did not, luckily J got up with her). I think I need to make a dr appt tomorrow, maybe for both of us.

Her dr said that with coughing you can’t do anything but wheezing is a different story, isn’t it? Wheezing is bad? Oh well.

I have been stealing J’s cough syrup so maybe that will help. I would steal his antibiotics but he’s actually the guy who takes EVERY SINGLE ONE until the bottle is all done. He actually takes them at all the right times too.

I’ve never been able to do that sucessfully.

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