
by Kristi on April 1, 2007

My head is aching and no amount of advil will make it stop. I’m so excited about making double dr appts for me and Sammie tomorrow morning and carting her around for both of them. Ugh.

Justin’s cough syrup does taste good though. I remember I used to love that orange Triamedic. Dang, that stuff was tastey. Or, the bubblegum amoxicillion? Yum. Researching on the Internet may be hazerdous to your health though. I looked up wheezing in babies and it talked about asthma, which is fine, I know about that, but goes on to talk about cystic fibrosis. LOL – I guess I should stop reading!

So another neat find from Parents magazine. Check out the Back Seat Storage with Seat Protector. Here is the whole article. I could really use that! My car is a train wreck, I’m so messy! The SmartPad seems kinda cool too.

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