Park Day!

by Kristi on March 3, 2007

We had such a fun day today although I’m worried Sammie might be getting sick. 🙁

First off, she woke up at 7:30am!!! Yea!

We then went to the new member park day at Hurless Barton park in Yorba Linda with our playgroup. Jamie, and her daughter Carly, was a new member signing up that we encouraged to join so we decided to go to the park and welcome her! Carly is one month older than Sam but she is a little peanut from being born a premie but she was showing Sam how to climb all over the play gym. There were quite a lot of new members at the park, plus some old ones, and Sam had a great time running around for an hour and fifteen minutes! Hurless is a really nice park. Half of it is foam and the other half the brown woody stuff (what is that called?) that Sam loves to pick up and throw around. One play gym is for little toddlers and the other is for a little bit older crowd. Sam liked playing on both.

When we went home, the drive was about 10 minutes and I saw her trying to fall asleep… so I kept trying to talk to her! No go! She was out completely about two blocks from home and when I got her out of the car she just draped herself all over me and kept sleeping, so I popped her in the crib. She slept for an hour and twenty minutes and Papa went and got her up as he was home for lunch then.

I was trying frantically to get some crazy fun work stuff done so we popped in Sesame Street and after that Grandma called and wanted to come play! Yea! Grandma played with Sam for another half and hour while I happily closeted myself in the office. After Grandma left we went to the store… so I could buy some Carmel Apple Martini mix in to have one tonight. Sadly, I stuck with Golden Spoon and haven’t made myself one… YET. Although I don’t think I will. I’m a cheap date after one drink and I don’t want to be groggy tomorrow morning with Ms. Bundle of Engery up and at ’em.

After the store, it was 445 so we decided to go to Toyon Park. We used to live by that park a few years ago, it’s really nice. There was tons of Daddies and kids there, plus a few Mommies… and it was crazy. We spent 45 min there… and then decided to meet Papa at Macaroni Grill. Yum!

As we were leaving the park for the second time, Sam started rubbing her nose like crazy and didn’t stop the for two hours. I’m living in fear that she will wake up tonight with a fever and a cold… We shall see. I felt a little sick this morning but nothing that bad. I sincerely hope she doesn’t get sick and didn’t catch anything from the billions of kids we saw today!

This weekend should be fun. Tomorrow we have to drop off our car to get tuned, do something ‘fun’ since it’s going to be nice, and Justin and I have a ‘date’ night for a movie and dinner. Yea! Sunday, who knows… More ‘fun’ stuff, I’m sure!

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