
by Kristi on February 26, 2007

Well, lately the only Oscey I’ve been listening to is Oscar the GROUCH but we watched the regular Oscar’s tonight, so that was good. 🙂 We started on the red carpet at my Mom’s house and then around 615 jetted back over to our house to watch the rest. We put it on pause on the DVR (love that thing!) while we did bedtime but quickly caught up. Not sure what my favorite dress was… I loved Nicole Kidman’s… Cameron’s was great too! And… oh, Forgetting some names… Another one I liked was a woman had a gorgeous black dress with red on the bottom which was super cool.

Sam is waking up early again, which is super annoying! Why am I only doing one nap a day if she wakes up at 430??? Argh.

We had a nice weekend though. Went to the park… She loved it. I cleaned out my closet! Whoop! My closet lost three bags of clothes! I need to take them to goodwill tomorrow. I lost 2 huge bags of dry cleaning hangers too, haha, I hate those darn things.

So, J couldn’t figure out why I was tossing these clothes. He thought I was crazy. Men are completely from Mars, I get it now. It was sad though, I tossed all these favorite shirts that I used to wear when I would go ‘clubbing’. Ok, clubbing for me was at Kokomoe’s with Nicole… but still, those cute little tops that I would wear with no bra!?? Yea, not gonna happen ever ever ever… Unless I get some sort of breast reduction and lifting thing in the far future. But those tops would still be so ‘out of fashion’, if I even know what that is. Anyway, after J’s whole ‘you are crazy, throwing away those clothes’ thing, I had to show him my pink ‘LOVE’ shirt that I wore on our first date. I asked him if he remembered it and good boy that he is, he put on his thinking face and said, gosh it seems familiar…. and when I clued him in, he wanted me to KEEP the shirt!! Keep this poor shirt that has been shrunken so much, it would fit horribly, it’s a cheap (but cute) shirt… that I bought in HIGH SCHOOL. Or, right after anyway. He wants me to keep the shirt, and frame it. Mr. Clean and Organized himself. Is that not crazy? I think it’s crazy. I’m going on the thought that he is simply being ridiculous and going to toss it anyway. Boys!

Although, my closet does have a lot of room in it now so that does mean shopping is in my future, yes?

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