
by Kristi on November 6, 2006

This picture cracks me up. 🙂 She has such a funny expression on her face, I love it. Last week we went to get our nails done with Auntie Krysta and she was an angel. She ate some crackers while we got pampered. Works for me!
Today she is a supercrank though. It looks like something needs to change with her schedule cause for the past week and a half (except for two days) she wakes up happy for about 10 minutes and once Papa leaves to go take a shower she turns into a cranky monster. And it just doesn’t stop until the afternoon! Maybe she needs more sleep? I dunno. It drives me batty when she whines for the first half of the day. Nothing makes her happy for long.
Then, of course, I drive myself batty for whining all day about it. hahahah 🙂 Or rather, I drive Krysta batty from whining all day about it. LOL
Must.. go.. get… things done while she is SLEEPING and not WHINING!
Here are the cute Halloween photos! Also, the link two posts down to the alumb should work now. Thanks Anna!
*** I’ve edited this post three times to put spaces inbetween the paragraphs but it will only take on one of them, so forget it! Booo BLOGGER!

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