Surprise Roy!

by Kristi on September 25, 2006

My brother-in-law, Roy, got his Master’s degree this past year and his Mom decided to throw him a surprise party to celebrate. He actually graduated a few months ago so this party was not something that was expected. Sharon invited tons of his friends and we all got to her house at 5:00pm and he was expected at 5:30. It was really perfect. Everyone parked around the corner and no one was seen walking up to the house when he got here. He walked in and spent a minute saying hi to Sam and when he walked around the corner… Surprise! He was shocked. It was awesome. You could see him thinking madly why we were all yelling surprise at him. hahaha

It was a great party though! Sharon & Truck put together a beautiful setting, good food, and great people. I don’t have any pictures of Roy when he walked in because I was holding Sam but I hope I can get a few copies in a few days. His expression was priceless. 🙂

All the boys towards the end of the night (for us anyway, Sam was cranky).
Great picture with the sunset behind them.

Justin, Ryan, & Jason

Their wife’s 🙂 Me, Janna, and Natalie.

Ryan & his daughter, Brynn. She doesn’t like cameras.
What a cutie though! That red hair is awesome.

Sam & Brynn playing together.

Grandma Sharon & Sam

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