Drunk Baby

by Kristi on September 14, 2006

What is a drunk baby?

Let me tell you…

We do bathtime from around 730 to 750 depending on the night. When she has a late nap I try to delay bathtime a bit because I know she simply won’t drift off to sleep if it is to early.

When she was younger, if she stopped nursing she would simply latch off and stare at the ceiling, babble, and reach for the book that I was reading. At night we always go to our bed, lay down, and nurse. Now though, she simply can’t ‘lay there’. She has to be sitting up, crawling around, standing up, etc.

So if she is getting too energetic, as she is eating, she will start to inch her way up to her knees (while she is still eating – ie. attached to my boob, mind you) so that her butt is high up in the air and her head is on the bed. Then she will put her arms down, pop her head up (ouch!), and then sit on her butt. She then looks at me very proudly and wants to play.

Playing entails grabbing at my glasses, my hair, my books, crawling to the head of the bed (it looks like her crib with the wooden panels coming down) to try and stand up…. Playing parachute with the sheet over her head and then playing peekaboo.

I can’t keep dragging her down to feed her hoping she will fall asleep because I can realistically only feed her four times (each side, twice) before she will be to full and won’t eat anymore. So I have to wait to tire her out. After she plays for 10 or 15 min she might get a little fussy or yawn so I will try to feed her again.

After another 5 min she will start inching up again. Sometimes I try and grab her leg to keep her in one place but it doesn’t work all the time. She pops back up ready to play.

The second time though she is not so energetic. It’s going around 8:20 or so, and she’s starting to get tired. As she is sitting down and trying to grab at things, she will start to wobble around. Sometimes she will lean over and give me open mouthed kisses (sooo funny but kinda gross!) or lean over to blow rasberries on my tummy. She’s getting tired.

I get optimistic. Let’s try feeding her again… Another 10 min goes by, and she starts inching up. Ugh! How do I get this kid to sleep? Her head pops up and she sits down.

At this point, I have a drunk baby. She veers from side to side and catches herself as she rubs her eyes. She smiles and me and then falls face first into the bed. I hold my breathe thinking that maybe she just fell asleep by herself? Nope! She looks over at me and laughs and gets back up. Then, she throws herself over my stomach, rolls over and lays on top of me, rolls back and faceplants into the bed.

It’s SO FUNNY. She’s not crying. She’s just so tired, won’t sleep, and wants to stay up and play with Momma. The cutest thing is when she falls on me and stays there for a few minutes. She was never a big snuggle-bug so it’s nice when she cuddles with you for a few seconds. It makes me close my eyes and breathe deep and enjoy my little girl hugging me with her little arms.

The past three days I have been feeding Sam in her room, rocking and nursing her to sleep. No more occurances of ‘Drunk Baby’ because somehow she is quieter when I am holding her in my arms. Luckily, getting her to sleep only takes about 30 minutes instead of the hour it was getting to. In a week or two I am going to start putting her to bed drowsy so she can learn to go to sleep on her own… (Right now she screams if I put her down and she’s still partly awake!)
Should be fun!

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