Bathtime Fun

by Kristi on July 26, 2006

Sam is sitting up now in her small bathtub instead of lying back on the hammock when we have bathtime. She loves it, splashes around, plays with some floatie toys. I’m perched higher than her (sitting next to the bathtub on our step) so it’s difficult for me to figure out how to wash her hair exactly. It was so much easier when she was tilted back and I didn’t have to worry about water in her face.

She doesn’t seem to mind it though. The past two nights she has really started slamming her hands into the water drenching everything. With a big smile on her face. 🙂 I laugh at her and she tilts her head up to look at me and slips. I catch her with my hands always hovering around her head and shoulders. She starts splashing again. I squirt her with her squirt toys… She smiles.

This time I was laughing because she was REALLY going at it with the splashing and Poppa comes over to laugh at her (with her?) as well. She turns, twists, and BOOM falls flat into the the water face first.

Wow, my heart jumped. She started screaming. She didn’t see to be upset at going face first into the bathtub, but more because I had hauled her up and held her in the air to make sure she was breathing. She was. I started to give her a hug and she started struggling and shrieking “Put me down, Mom!”. (No, of course she didn’t say that… She would have though if she could talk!)

I put her down in the bath and held on to her with both hands while she started splashing again. She gave me the ‘look’ a few minutes later, as if to say, “Mom, do you mind? I’m splashing here.”

Sheesh. My heart is still beating way to fast. Justin just laughed and walked away.

Darn slippery babies. I need a sticky mat.

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