Half a Year…

by Kristi on June 10, 2006

Ahh.. the time goes by so fast. Actually, it seems like it’s been forever. I can’t decide. While I can remember our life without Sam, it does seem like it was such a long time ago, she is such a perfect part of our lives.

She had her 6 month appointment last week, well maybe it was longer than that as I started writing this post last week!

Birth: 7.1 lbs, 20 in
2 Month: 10.6, 22 1/4 in
4 Month: 13.6, 24 in
6 Month: 15.9, 25 1/2 in

She is still hovering around the 50% mark compared to all the other 6 month olds. She is average. In weight, anyway! I love it! Justin thinks she should be taller, but everytime he says this he is always sure to give me a nice survey, up and down, and then sigh. Sad. Seriously sad. If he wanted a tall daughter, he should have married a tall wife! It’s too late now!! Anyway, she took the shots like a champ and stopped crying the moment I picked her up. We did have the restless night with cries every hour (she went back to sleep after crying out each time) with waking at 4:30am at which point she joined us in bed while she snacked all morning until 730. *sigh* hehe – She actually joins us every morning while I get a little more sleep as she has her breakfast so it wasn’t that bad. I did not wake up when she was crying either. Oops! I was able to wake up to Justin nicely patting my arm as I realized there was a baby shrieking in my ear from the monitor. Nice, honey. Oh well.

I shall close this post out since I am finishing it up a week later then when I started. 🙂

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