Legoland and Misc Ramblings (of course)

by Kristi on June 11, 2008 · 2 comments

We went to Legoland on Monday. It was so much fun! We couldn’t drag Sam away from the kid’s playground area, she loved the train. Miniland was AWESOME too. She just stared and stared at all of the buildings for a long time. To cute.

It wasn’t crowded at all and it was such a nice place. I can’t wait to go back! I keep staring at the pictures my Mom took. Plus these below, isn’t G cute? What a smile, although that isn’t his full one.

We keep remarking at how he is so animated. He smiles when he hears my voice, when most anyone talks to him now. And he is SUCH a mover. He moves and wiggles waaaay to much. So adorable. Except I keep reminding myself this is why they say not to put loose blankets in the crib. We ALWAYS had blankets around Sam. Yes, they were tucked in. But we tuck them in around G too and lately (although it’s been hot lately so I hardly ever do it – that and this reason) I look over when he is mumbling and up for the morning and I see his little eyes peeking out at me saying “help me Momma! the blanket is is getting me!” LOL – SO DUMB. No more blankets around him! I just have to make sure and do the stupid laundry so he has long sleeved outfits to wear to bed under his swaddle, sheesh! When he is in onsies, it’s to easy for him to wiggle his arms out! I went and bought a few more today, he’s in 3-6 month clothes now!

Sam is hilarious. My Mom heard that song ‘Funky, Funky!’ (rap song, or hip hoppy…) and was singing it to Sam (that part, anyway) and Sam goes around now saying ‘Puppy, Puppy!’ And Brittany Spears came on at Bagel Me the other day and her head started bopping up and down and she looked at me and was all excited.

We finally figured out how our surround sound speakers work around the house (3 years later) and we danced around for a half hour last night. G was in the Bjorn and all of us were twirling. So funny. I went to get the cord to hook up my iPhone for iTunes so hopefully we can listen to that soon.

So busy lately but both kids are sleeping right now. I hear Sam deep breathing though so I think she may be up. G is on the couch. He was in the swing but woke up after 40min so I nursed him down again (LOL) and then just plopped him on the couch with a pillow next to him. He’s been that way for an hour now.

We moved up to the next Gymboree level but I’m not sure how long I will be able to go to the classes with G. Hopefully a few more months. There is a new dance/music studio in town that takes 2-3yo and doesn’t require parent participation! So I might be able to sit and watch with G and not worry about feeding schedules, etc! I think we are going to try it out next week!

So between all the fun summer activities lately (park, pools, beach, boat, water parks, etc) we are going to have a fun summer!

Hope everyone is enjoying their week!


1 Paige June 12, 2008 at 8:05 pm

Okay first of all your son is so freakin’ cute! Second Sam looks soooo grown up, she is really turning into a beautiful little girl! Third you look great for just having a baby! And last but not least we have been wanting to go to legoland, maybe we can go togther and get Krysta and her girls to go as well!

2 lindsay weiss June 23, 2008 at 3:08 am

Hi Kristina- thanks for stopping in at MOMformation the other day. I popped in to say that Legoland is one of my daughter’s favorite places…and we only get to go once every few years (we live in Kansas). Just reading your post made me smile!

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