One Day

by Kristi on March 11, 2024

“Any regrets though?”

“None… I’m not being a footnote.”

“A footnote?”

“Yeah. In the story of your life.”

I heard from at least three people that One Day was a sob story. And.. I just felt in the mood to sob. So I knew what I was getting in to.

Then, 10 episodes in, I realized I may have seen this movie before. Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess in 2011. Or read the book? I def did not read the book, I checked my GoodReads. Luckily I didn’t quite remember what the plot was. Also, I think I was remembering My Life (Michael Keaton and Nicole Kidman, 1993) apparently which is frightening since those were made 20 years apart and where has my life gone?

Also, two completely different movies. Although both incredibly sad.

But wow, that was a sad series. 14 episodes and I cried through the entire last episode – all 26 minutes of it.

I still don’t remember the Anne Hathaway version. I feel like I should have seen it though. I love her. But while that was 90 minutes, this was… hold on, math… 392 minutes, give or take a few.

The entire soundtrack. Their lives. Their friendship. The timing. The painful bad decisions and choices made. The touching moments.

And amazing emotional release.


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