Some Fabulous Romance Reads

by Kristi on December 4, 2010

Just a quick note on what I have read in the past few weeks. I keep going on and off reading books because I have so much going on but when I start a book, and it turns good… I always have to finish it!

Courtney Milan – Trial by Desire

This is Courtney Milan’s second book and it did not disappoint. I have been waiting to read this book and when I won it from Courtney on Twitter, it just made it all the sweeter! Once I received it, I opened it right up and dove in.  It was different that all of the other traditional historicals. I loved the POV from both characters. The characteristics, the depth, the writing, everything was wonderful. She is quickly making a spot on my MUST READ list and the excerpt she gave for her THIRD book looks even better. You should definitely have this book on your list, I love it!

Nalini Singh – Bonds of Justice

I am reading this right now. I adore Nalini Singh. I really love her new angel series (I have read it three times already) but her Psy series is really fabulous. This is the 8th book in the Psy series, which is a futuristic series and is pretty darn amazing.

Phillipa Gregory – The Red Queen

The Red Queen is the second in a trilogy of books from Gregory about the Cousins War. It had been awhile since I read the first one, the White Queen, so it took me about half the book to figure out it was covering the same time, just a different person. I really LOVE Gregory and all the amazing details she puts into her stories. I have a few more around that time that I need to start reading again.

Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, Connie Brockway – The Lady Most Likely

I can not WAIT for this book to come out. Three of my favorite authors and Quinn and James are both in my ‘favorite’ bookshelf (I love Brockway too though!). This is like an anthology but they are all writing about the same party where an Earl is looking to get married and the women he keeps going after, pair up with other men. Each story obviously told by the different author. It’s coming out right after Christmas and I will be at Borders with my Borders Bucks on the 28th waiting to buy it!

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